Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Knife Throwing

On a whim I decided that it would be fun to learn how to throw knifes. It often seems like whenever I do something in life more often than not it's because of a vauge feeling of "I want that/how can I do that". Hmm...I think most people are the same in that respect.

So, after watching a few short YouTube videos, only one of which I made it all the way through I decided, what the hell? Why wait for an actual knife throwing set when I have some perfectly fine (improperly weighted and embarrassingly dull) old steak knives right here? So, I found a peace of plywood and stuck some cardboard on top, then gave it a shot. Though my arm is tired (need to do more weights in my workout routine), I'm satisfied with my progress. Only took me a few practice throws before I told myself to stop thinking so much and just go with what feels natural. Which definitely worked because it was only after that which my knife actually embeded, almost perfectly allined in the target rather than just making a small dent before bouncing off.

Monday, July 6, 2015


I have learned a valuable lesson tonight; one does not consume a large bowl of ice cream then immediately follow that with a workout designed to strengthen core muscles. You just don't.

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Quote of the Day:

Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you.
- From the TV show Dexter

Wise words. Though not my favorite quote, it's probably one of the few that always rings true. If you were wondering, my favorite is; Men do not fear swords, they fear monsters (from Dracula Untold).

Thinking about quotes stears my mind towards words. Is there a word that you love? One that rolls off your tounge and makes you smile every time you say it? Honesty, I have too many to count. Writing fanfiction really helps expand ones vocabulary. Choosing one in particular is a trying task. Writing has also made me realize that I say the and so all the time, in practically every other sentance. I've been trying to cut back on that. At the moment, my progress is minimal. And, with that slight detour of thought, the word that amuses me the most is miffed. Not entirely sure why, but it cracks me up. Miffed. 😄 Miffed is also the emotion I tends to be my default, which causes me to laugh more when I think about it.


Recently, I downloaded one of the many "brain-age" type apps; taking a basic memory test I've come to the sad conclusion I'm an imbecile. But hey! That's what the game is here for, to help improve memory function.

I'm sure if I'd kept a set schedule learning German, my memory would be in a better shape. Unfortunately, I chose the practice whenever I happen to feel like it method. As always, a mistake. If fact, I probably know more Russian at this point than I do German. Why? You ask. I translate a freaking ton in the game Clash of Kings. However, not a single Russian I've come across has even attempted to try translating English. I will occasionally throw in two or three words to see how they react and it's the same answer from every last one of them. Что? What? Grates on my nerves how they don't even try. Then I remember that I love translating. A time-consuming task, for sure, but worthwhile all the same.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Random Musings of a Bored Mind

It's been a while, my peeps. Like a year. I know I should be up an moving right now. I have plans for today. Plans that don't include laying in the comfort on my delightfully soft bed. However, Lucy (my kitty-cat) has fallen asleep. On my shoulder. And, she's snoring softly. Clearly, I can't move until she wakes up. So, here I am. Typing silently on my phone, updating random stangers on my life. Hope you enjoy!


I've started writing again. Day one of posting on and I have over 58 views and two follows. ^_^

In case you were wondering, the story is about Agents of Shield. Actually, I found the show to have poor acting and a predictable storyline. Why did I chose to write about it? No reason. I felt like and I did.

Besides writing, I have started attempting to draw people. Wolves and foxes I draw with ease. People? No. Just no. Hahaha! I'll post a couple attempts soon. Eventually, I'm sure, we'll be able to see some progress.

Lastly, I started watching izombie. Late, I know but, I thought the show started next month. It's fantastic. Ingenious. Liv, the zombie, actually gets the personality traits and talents of whomever's brain she eats. Memories I've heard of, this is something interesting. Funny too in many cases.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dracula Untold Movie Review

I had very high hopes for Dracula and I have to say the movie exceeded my expectations.  And that my readers, is not an easy thing to accomplish.  There was one scene in particular where Vlad fights a Turk army as a vampire for the first time which was just thrilling.  Although, truth be told, it was kind of difficult to see what was going on what with the dark atmosphere and quick flashing movements. Still, even considering that it was awesome.  I also liked that they added knowledge of Vlad's background, not just as an adult but the bits about him growing up.  That would make a great story by itself.  Or at the very least someone should write facfiction about it.

Near the end though, and this is a SPOILER, Vlad created an army of vampires.  I don't really see why he needed those people.  People that tried to burn him alive the day before. How could you not expect betrayal in that situation?  I can name one reason Vlad would do such a thing, but even so it was an excessive and unneeded act,  also a stupid and desperate one.  Along with that, I didn't like that he abandoned his child.  Just because he's a "monster" now doesn't mean he can't be a good father.  I can understand his reasoning behind it though.  If Vlad came back for him he'd have been hunted down and treated like a demon.

All in all, Dracula is totally worth watching.  Defiantly a movie to watch again.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Colorful Mind

I've been listening to this song on repeat for probably longer than a sane person would but in my defence it's awesome.  It's called Colorful Mind by Broken Iris.  My favorite line is, "Will this be another day of night in here, the knife is not sharp enough to fear".

When I actually pay attention to the lyrics of a song I always end up noticing that they are kind of depressing and/or "angry".  Makes a person wonder.  But, I have always gone more for how the song sounds rather that whatever's being said.

Here's the link...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I decided to write my own fanfiction.  Yes, I have sunk that low.  Anyways, it is a crossover between Harry Potter and dare I say it...Twilight.  Not that there's anything wrong with either series.  It's just I spent quite a lot of time trying to find a particular fanfic only to say what the hell? I'll just make my own.

So far so good, I've gotten tons of views and several follows.  The story's not as refined as I'd like it to be but it's not that bad either.  I add a new chapter every day/every other day currently.

Here's a link...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Boy With The Cuck-koo Clock Heart - Movie Review


In the beginning I could not wrap my mind around this rather unique film.  Things just spiral off in weird dreamlike tangents.  However, as you continue watching the story unfolds and you can't not fall in love with it.  That is until Jack throws his key over the side of a cliff.  The key that keeps his heart working! Just so he could kiss a girl.  Which while a sweet gesture, was horrifying.  Perhaps I should explain the storyline first.  Jack has a clockwork heart obviously.  One that can be easily overloaded if he feels emotions too strongly.  He falls in love with a girl.  Which is totally predictable outcome but hey.  I won't give everything away so you'll have to watch the movie for the rest.

Still, it ends at the cliff scene so be warned.  Normally, I would write off a story like this but the animators did a great job, the music was lovely, and the characters have really large vocabularies that they use to word thing in the most beautiful ways.

Friday, June 20, 2014

How to Train Your Dragon 2 - Movie Review

I didn't expect this movie to be quite so sad.  If you've seen the trailer then you know that Hiccup's mom is in the movie and I'm conflicted about that.  She had been gone for twenty years. For a good cause yes, but was there really no way for her to check up on her family?  Not once in that amount of time?  Despite that, everyone forgives her instantaneously.  I don't think I would have let it go so easily.  Eventually, sure, but only after more extensive questioning of motives.  Besides that, there were parts of the movie not well thought out or fully explained.  I don't want to give too much of the plot away, however, so I'll leave it at that.  Personally, there were several aspects of the movie I would have liked to see expanded on.  One particular character for instance catches my interest.  A movie, or mini-movie about his life would be an interesting tale.  Furthermore, he seemed to be more of an afterthought than anything else.  And, Hiccup's relationship with Astrid was practically non existent.  A lot more was done with the parents than anyone else, even though they had less screen time together than others.

There were many awe inspiring scenes, most of course involving the dragons, which by themselves make the movie worth watching. Counteracting that were quite a few depressing scenes and humor taken almost directly from the first movie.

Dragons 2 is a good movie, not the greatest maybe, but still good.  I would watch it again.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Edge of Tomorrow - Movie Review

Definitely worth seeing, Edge of Tomorrow is my new favorite action film.  Though, not quite what I expected it more than exceeded my expectations.  I had heard from my brother that some people didn't like the ending and that worried me a bit.  Things were looking dire but I loved the eventual outcome.  Truthfully, based on the commercials, I expected more romance however there was little.  The main characters only kissed once or twice that I recall and even then it was right before one or both of them died.  So, romance wise this movie is a no.  Action wise, hell yes!  There are so many awesome fight scenes.  I would have liked to see more on the island itself with Cage's team but as a whole this is a great film.  At times Rita was just beyond brutal.  She was ruthless and uncaring of those she thought under her station.  I did not like that.  At all.  She was also a bit repetitive, however, what else can you expect in a repeating war zone situation? So, I can't really fault her for that.  Cage was also a coward in the beginning.  Not someone made for war and instead someone forced into it.  So, that was interesting, seeing them or more specifically K change for the better.  The aliens themselves were very similar to the Moorwens from Outlander.  Less intelligent in some respects but similar all the same.

Anyways, I would give this movie 5 stars and recommend it to anyone who loves fighting, aliens and robotics.  This movie is full of action, humor, and the barest hint of romance.