Henry's Page

Henry is my yellow side green cheek conure.  He's gorgeous.  But as a four year old conure he is pretty set in his ways.   Since I can't seem to get into a routine training him I decided to set aside part of my blog to updates on his training.  This way I can easily look back and and plan ahead at the same time.


The green cheek conure is known as the "quiet" conure, but Henry is any thing but.  I suppose there are exceptions to every rule.  Henry is my little one in a million.  He loves watching TV and listening to music.  Apples are his favorite fruit.  I'm trying to expand his taste, I've tried bananas  grapes, lettuce, carrots, oranges, strawberries, etc. but no luck.  Henry likes apples and not much else.  I wont stop trying though.  One day he will realize what he's missing out on.

If you're interested in owning a conure or just want to learn more about them feel free to check out my other blog at http://theconurestop.blogspot.com/.

This is Henry is his travel cage, I bring it downstairs so that he can watch movies with me.

February 3rd, 2013

Success!  Henry is now eating Strawberries!!  After all this time I finally got him to eat something (fruit/veggie wise) other than apples.  I'm so happy!  ^_^

January 30th, 2013

Henry has calmed down on his own, I didn't bother to do any research on screaming conures.  I am so lazy about some things.  Anyways, I did nothing to encourage the behavior so he saw no reason to continue.  On another note, I have switched Henry from a seed diet to pellet.  I should have done it a while ago but with his resistance to trying new fruits and veggies I figured it would be a huge bother.  It wasn't.  Henry only took three days to switch over from loving seeds to loving pellets   I still mix in a few seeds every once in a while for variation but Henry is finally on a healthier diet.

January 23rd, 2013

Recently I have been taking Henry with me around the house in his travel cage to make his life a little more interesting than staying in one place all day.  I would let him fly all over, but as most of you know, I have two cats.  My brilliant plan backfired.  Henry has turned into a screaming needy mess of a bird.  I can no longer leave him alone for long without him screaming for attention.  Even when I am paying attention, he is no longer satisfied.  The only thing that can console him is taking him downstairs to watch TV.  I'm not sure where to go from here.  I suppose it's back to the basics, reading and researching Conures.  Hopefully, I'll find some useful information.

January 11th, 2013

Okay, so it hasn't been easier to tame Henry.  If fact, I think we might have backtracked on the trust issue.  Not wholly sure what's the problem but at least I'm closer to gaining it that I was a few weeks ago.

January 2nd, 2013

So, now I can be about a foot away from Henry with out him freaking out and move my hand around.  Still, if I come much closer he can get uneasy.  I think it will be easier from here on out.

January 1st, 2013

Henry is getting use to my hand, well more use to it than he was before.  When I transfer him to his travel cage I can leave my hand in it and he calms down in about three seconds.  Whereas before it would take about a minute.  Note: this is with me keeping my hand still.  Progress is progress though.  ^.^

December 28th, 2012

Took Henry with me to visit my mom's yesterday.  There were so many Christmas decorations for him to look at.  He was quieter than usual but I think he had a great time.  Non stop dancing.  So cute.

December 25th, 2012

Not that I haven't noticed it before but it just suddenly hit me that Henry loves eating late night snacks.  By late I'm talking 9-10pm.  What bird doesn't care when the sun goes down?  Answer: One who stays up late until his housemate goes to bed.

Though I'm  not a morning person I love to stay up late.  Now my bad habits have transferred to my little friend.  >.<

December 21st, 2012

Making some progress with Henry.  I've decided to forget trying for force any kind of contact.  Those kinds of methods of bird taming don't work on him.  Instead I will attempt to get him use to my presence, specifically my hands.  Henry's previous owner was not patient with him and constantly grabbed him with thick gloves.  As you can imagine he has some mistrust in this area now.  So, every morning that I take him downstairs in his travel cage I will try to get as close as I can to touching him with out having him running/flying away.  Eventually, (I hope) he will get use to me petting his feathers.

December 17th, 2012

Recently Henry has taken to biting those idiots who stick their fingers through his cage.  At first I tried to stop this behavior right from the get go, but I can't stop him from biting people if they refuse to set a good example by NOT making a game out of it.  I think my best option at this point is to ignore the behavior.  If it's ignored then it can't be encouraged. 

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