Monday, December 30, 2013

Music - Frida Gold

As promised, here's another of my favorite German singers...

Now while this isn't my usual cup of creme soda, Frida Gold is an amazing artist with many brilliant songs, too many to name on this post but I urge you gorgeously beautiful handsome readers to check out more of her songs whenever you have the time.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Quotes and Things

  • My mind works like brilliant flash and it's gone.
  • You cry, I cry.  You laugh, I laugh.  You jump off a cliff...I laugh again.

Wesley was my favorite character in the Buffy/Angel shows.  That is until he went all stuffy and depressing. 

Anyways, on yet another unrelated topic, I've decided to hunt for awesome German bands.  Actually, I've already found a bunch, weeks ago to be exact.  However, I thought I'd start posting about a "new" band every week or so.

Philipp Poisel ~