Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Twilight Thoughts

So, the new Twilight movie is coming out soon.  I have to say the whole thing is getting a little overblown.  I mean, the books were okay but the movies are just awful.  The only good thing about them are the action scenes of which there are not many.  Also, just by watching the trailer I am disgusted.  Edward's child is suppose to be a BABY not a five year old.  Perhaps a child of three at most I would have accepted.  Plus, the Cullen's (and friends) never actually fought the Voltori.  In the end I'd rather just watch the movie when it comes out on DVD.

What I'm really looking forward to is Hansel and Gretel (and I'm really hoping it is better than the recent Snow White movie which was a rip off of Princess Mononoke).

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