Sunday, May 12, 2013

Movie Review - Iron Man 3

Overall, Iron Man 3 was a pretty good move and there were tons of funny bits.  That said, it was a little long and yet again I seemed to be siting right next to the speakers.  Honestly though, they showed a bit too much in the trailers.  There were no surprises like in Oblivion.  I did find Stark's PTSD to be fairly interesting though.  I hadn't expected it to be as bad as it was.  I was also impressed with his ability to make weapons out of common household items.


In the end of the movie Tony had the shrapnel taken out of his chest.  But doesn't that glowing thing also power the suit?  I suppose it would be fine if he made a suit with reactor included but what about when he's only wearing part of it?


  1. The idea they choose to go with by the end, is what will disappoint people for a very, very long time. I didn’t mind it and yet, I still can’t say I loved this. Good review Kiyoku.
