Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I have had the most minuscule attention span for the past couple of weeks.  It's a wonder I got anything done.  You do not want to know how long I've been working on my most recent sketch.  Which is not to say that there haven't been ten or so other works half finished now laying forlorn somewhere in the abyss that is my room.  It isn't that much of a mess really which makes the disappearances all the more mystifying.  I think I'll blame the hobgoblin.  There's bound to be one or two knocking about, it would certainly explain why Sweetheart spends half the day staring at the wall.

Anyways, I came across the most particular German phase today.  "Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen" which literally translates to "where the fox and the hare say good night to one another" and actually means, "the middle of nowhere".  I really love the ingenuity of German phrases.  English phrases seem so bland in comparison.

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