Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thor The Dark World - Movie Review

Thor 2 is brilliant absolutely brilliant.  The action scenes alone (of which there were many) make the movie.  There's also a healthy dose of humor to balance out the more somber bits.  Darcy's character in particular played a big role along with intern-what's-his-name in making the movie so light.  On the flip-side, I wanted to cry for Loki.  There were a few parts in which he almost died and I had minor panic attacks.  Not fun I tell you, not fun at all.  That loony, Erik, didn't help matters by being so joyful about it either.  I am especially happy with the ending although I worry a little because I missed the extra bit after the credits.  I really feel like I missed out on something of importance.
Now I've have a few comments/complaints to make, the first being Loki's happy and more than a little mischievous attitude once he's out of prison.  Does anyone else notice the drastic change from the Avengers movie?  You may argue that Loki wasn't the happiest camper in the first Thor movie but there were extenuating circumstances there (i.e. finding out he had been lied to his entire life).  There's so many more discrepancies but I'll save them for a later date.  The second thing I wanted to make note of is the complete lack of respect and disregard of life Asgardians have against any realm but their own.  I largely suspect that the only reason they haven't killed Earth/Midgard is because they think of humans an children, idiotic children.  Just how many worlds have the Asgardians destroyed?  How many lives were lost?

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