Thursday, January 30, 2014

Various Tips

I've rethought parts of my plan to tame Henry.  First and foremost being to eradicate my family's access to him.  And, if they must interact then they'll only do so under the closest observation.  Why?  Because they don't listen to the simplest guidelines and half the the time don't even remember his name.  Their negative attitude isn't helping matters in the slightest.  Henry is much smarter than he lets most people see and takes advantage of their gullibility.  While it may have been amusing to watch (and still is) I shouldn't let it happen. Shame.  Secondly, I gave Henry treats every time I saw him in the hopes that he'd equate me to good things.  Since then I've realized that I should use them more sparingly so they have greater worth.  Also, if he acts out then the treats are going away for 15 minutes (or more) because "no" doesn't mean anything to some people.

On a different topic, my German is coming along pretty good considering I've studied it sparingly.  I know about 30 words/phrases so far and even how to spell the majority of them.  Still, I've figured that it takes me at least two sessions on the babble app before I remember all the words given.  However, I was trying to learn 15 words then move on to the next lesson with 15 more immediately.  Well, that tired me out too quickly.  In the future I'll go over a lesson, wait an hour or so before moving on, completing at least three lessons a day on various topics.

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