Monday, April 14, 2014

DIY Hair Masks

I'm not one to use many beauty products, hair or otherwise, but that doesn't mean I don't want soft, silky hair.  And so, I ended up trying out these two DIY Hair masks.

The first one tried was egg mixed with coconut oil which I left in for about half an hour and while I noticed some improvement it wasn't quite what I expected (not to mention icky).  Later, I tried extra virgin olive oil, warmed up and left in for an hour.  The improvement was simply amazing.  I'll continue using this mask at least once weekly or perhaps bi-weekly because my hair is very dry and frizzy without some form of extra conditioning.

Additional ingredients could be honey, cinnamon and lemon juice.  Make sure you completely shampoo out the oil otherwise your hair will look greasy.

For more in-depth information on the benefits of olive oil see...

On an unrelated note, I found this beautiful song on YouTube...

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