Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ethics - Multiple Personalities

Thanks to the new TV show Do No Harm, my mind has been pondering the topic of good/evil and multiple personalities.  

First off, if someone had multiple personalities who decides which version of the person is the "real" one?  Is there even a "real" one?  Say you are a psychiatrist/psychologist and are attempting to give that "real" version full control, how is that not the same as killing the other(s)?

In the show (Do No Harm) everyone seems to consider Ian as the evil guy who is possessing Jason, but I have been given no evidence to suggest that Ian is as bad as they say.  Sure, he's kind of an ass but Jason is no better.  In effect Jason locked Ian up for five years and he just expects Ian not to retaliate?  Jason is trying to kill him.  How is that not evil?  Both Ian and Jason have 12 hours, half a day each.  Anyone care to tell me who is possessing who here?  But I digress, it's late, I'm tired and this can be continued at another time.  

Good night all!

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