Friday, February 1, 2013

My Cat Has Schizophrenia

I think my cat, Sweetheart has Schizophrenia.  She has all of these symptoms to a varying degrees and a few other that I did not find listed.  

  • Frantic grooming of the flank and tail
  • Dilated pupils
  • Fixation with the tail, often manifested as swishing of the tail
  • Bouts of hyperactive or aggressive behavior
  • Rippling of the skin
  • Apparent hallucinations
  • Loud vocalizations
  • Sensitivity to touch along the spine; often, stroking of the spine leads to bouts of strange behavior
  • Mood swings

  • Read more: Cat Schizophrenia - VetInfo

    Well after this slightly depressing news (it wasn't really a surprise but more of  a confirmation)  I needed to cheer up.  

    And so...

    If your wondering what others symptoms she has...
    • Strongly dislikes any change in the environment
    • Dislikes meeting new people and doesn't get along with my family either
    • Dislikes change in schedule, she has her habits and she sticks to them
    • She does have a strange habit of reaching one paw out and gently pawing at my face or hand.  I think its to see if I'm really here, but I'm not sure.

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