Saturday, June 8, 2013

Coat of Arms

I've been thinking about family crests for a while now.  Technically I've got two from my mom and dad, or do people just go with their last name?  Either way neither one suits me. So, I've decided to make my own.  The question is what to put on it.  Every detail on a crest has a story behind it, the trick is narrowing it down and choosing the most important parts of who I am.  Which is tricky because I'm still unsure of that answer.  It doesn't help that I'm having artists block either.

So far I've got this...

Now, I was thinking winged wolves on the sides and Celtic knots bordering but when I started drawing I ended up wanting a tree of life on top.  For some reason I can't quite picture the wolves and I still have no idea what to put on the shield.

I'm thinking about making the wolves smaller because adding wings will take up a lot of space and the shield will be out-shined.

Still have no idea what the motto should be or if I even want one.  Also, considering whether I want my family name on it.  I've seen crests with and without.  In the end I'm probably going to add them both.

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