Saturday, June 29, 2013


Bought some charcoal today, I've always liked the look of it in drawings.  And here is my great work of art...

If you cant tell, it is a little owl sitting on a scarf floating in midair.

On another note, I've decided to start jogging.  I always though to myself "once I get a dog I'll be more active" but that was just an excuse.  If I want to be more active I've got to start now.  Not that doing Tai Chi everyday, going on five mile walks, and starting up the X-box fitness training whatever it's called isn't active.  The problem lies with the fact that I've got no stamina.  I can walk for miles without tiring, but can barely run for fifteen minutes strait.

Be warned, I'll soon be posting a delicious strawberry rhubarb pie recipe!

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