Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness - Movie Review


Very dramatic.  A bit over the top actually (don't take that the wrong way, I loved every second of it).  All in all, I would say the previous Star Trek was better, though.  That said, Benedict Cumberbatch is a phenomenal actor.  For I while there I thought his character Khan might not be so bad.  Alas, I was wrong.  Which in my opinion was a fail on the director's part.  I'm not trying to sound stuck up here, but I would have loved to see Khan working with the Enterprise.  Instead we are left with the basic good vs evil scenario.  And, how likely is it really that a superhuman genius would loose in the end if he hadn't planed it out that way?  Why did he bother saving Kirk if he was just going to kill him five minutes later?  Don't try to tell me it was because he needed him because at that point Khan could have pulled it off without Kirk's help.

One detail I noticed was that on the Enterprise there are multiple humanoid species, but at the academy (or wherever it is that all those speeches were given) the only non-human I saw was Spock.  Where did they all go?

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