Sunday, July 7, 2013

Do No Harm Is Back!

Imaging my surprise and glee when I happened across a new episode of Do No Harm on TV last night.  Then imaging my excitement when upon further search I discovered that Do No Harm is back on schedule!

For those of you who don't know what I'm going on about, Do No Harm is a modern day Jekyll and Hyde type and was canceled after two episodes.  Well, it's back!  My favorite show of all time is back!  I know there are a lot of exclamation points in this post but I cannot convey just how much this show means to me without them.  I have seen a ton of TV shows and movies and Do No Harm is by far the best yet.

Side Note:  Ian will always be my favorite character in the show, Jason is too much a a goody two-shows for my taste.  If they keep trying to kill him off as the aim of this show seems to be, I wont be happy.  What has he done that warrants this kind of treatment? Okay, maybe a lot if I'm being honest.  But, so far all the violence has been directed toward bad guys.

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