Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Lone Ranger - Movie Review

I can only describe The Lone Ranger as being manic-depressive.  When you weren't laughing out loud you were just so depressed.  Which is a refreshing change from what the majority of movies put you through nowadays.  The combination kept you interested and entertained throughout.  And, I can say with certainty that if you loved the classic version of the Lone Ranger TV series you won't be disappointed with the movie version.  In fact, you might even like it more (I do).  Though different from the old version it stays true.

The soundtrack was interesting to say the least.  It started off with a violin type of music and ended up with the old theme song.  I rather enjoyed it because when the music started playing and the first scene was some carnival scene with a Ferris Wheel I thought for sure that the movie would be completely different from the series and not altogether good, but I'm more than happy with the outcome.

I do have one question, how did Tonto get out of jail?  However, I'm fine not knowing.  There are plenty of ways it could have happened and life is best lived with a bit of mystery (I suppose the majority of people would wonder about that crow, in my opinion some things are best left unsaid).


  1. It bored me to death and from what else I’m seeing out there: I’m not alone. Good review Kiyoku.

    1. Really? I watched it late at night so if it was boring I think I would have fallen asleep and the two others who watched it with me also liked it. But, to each his own I suppose.
