Tuesday, July 23, 2013

My Views on Satanism

In my continued search on Witchcraft I've come across Satanism many times.  Out of curiosity I decided to see what all the fuss was about.  Turns out Satanists are atheists and they are their own god/dess.  Who knew?  Not only that, but they don't even practice magick.  To me Satanists are the type of people with whom the glass is always half full.  I don't know if that's true or not but after reading their FAQ page on http://www.churchofsatan.com/Pages/_FAQ03.html I got the feeling that they are a depressing people.  What's life without a little magick?  And, I don't just mean spells but to not believe in anything but yourself seems to me a very lonely way to live.

That said, it is theistic satanists that worship the devil.  In the words of  Geifodd ap Pwyll, "The point to Devil worship is not to skin cats or vandalize churches. Instead, it is about celebrating the spiritual scapegoats of history, who are wrongfully blamed for whatever the majority calls "evil." It's about rebelling against authoritarian creeds and dogmas, and fighting against persecution in all of its forms. Being a Devil worshiper is much much harder than just reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards or "blaspheming the Holy Spirit." This is because any good Devil worshiper will stick his or her neck out to defend even Christians from persecution when necessary. When I say "fighting against persecution in all of its forms," I mean persecution in ALL of its forms - no matter who or what it's being directed toward".  To read more on theistic satanisim http://theisticsatanism.com/geifodd/sitemap.html.

All in all, I will always have a vague curiosity on the subject of theistic satanism but in the end I don't really worship anything.  At least not in the way most people would consider worship so I highly doubt I'll ever convert.  Though, the idea of there being no black and white just a world of grey already resonates through me.

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