Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Movie Review - World War Z

I really hate movies like this.  I'm not saying it wasn't good but I just get freaked out watching them.  I think I would have been fine if not had that one girl lost her hand.  As you well know once something like that happens I fixate on it, freak myself out and worry for hours afterward if not days.  I still haven't gotten past the first couple episodes of The Walking Dead.

As for World War Z, there were a few parts that didn't make sense.  Gerry (Brad Pitt) tied various things on his arms and later legs so that the Zombies couldn't bite him.  Why didn't  he put them all over his body and why not on his family?  SPOILER ALERT! Garry figures out that the Zombies don't attack people who are sick but why not?  They aren't affected by the diseases after being turned so why should it matter beforehand?

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