Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Lucas King's Music

I've been contemplating music boxes recently and came across Lucas King's many feats on YouTube which are very beautiful, honestly I'm surprised he isn't more popular.  Sadly, the majority of people do have a tendency to ignore what's right in front of them.  Anyways, here are a couple of samples...

I love music boxes, they make me sad.  Now you probably think I'm a few feathers short of a canary thinking that however, life is sweetest with a little sorrow.  After all, you can't have one without the other to compare it to.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Sleepy Hollow Thoughts

I had high hopes for this show so you should know it means a lot when I say it was awesome!  More than exceeding expectations I can hardly wait for the next episode.

Now as for the show itself, Crane reminds me of an interesting mix of Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes.  In essence, pure entertainment.  The soundtrack is also quite similar to Sherlock though whether that was on purpose or not is up for debate.  The theme song was a stroke of genius reminding me of an old favorite movie.  Lieutenant Mills wasn't too bad; I like her in general but she spent half the show choking up, near tears.  I understand her partner was killed but she better have a little more self control on the next episode.  Lastly, that demon hardly get any creepier, was worse than a weeping angel.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is Loki Really So Evil?

I watched The Avengers again the other night and there are a few things I can't stop thinking about.  First off, did you notice how dreadfully sick and weak Loki is?  When Loki first comes through the portal he looks like he's going to keel over any second and almost does more than once.  Why wasn't that explained?  Secondly, when Natasha(?) said that Loki killed 80 people in two days?  What the hell?  Loki wasn't the one who collapsed the building, it was Fury!  I can't help but feel that Loki is not as evil as everyone seems to think.  Even Thor made that comment, "who controls the would be king?". If the glowstick of destiny affected the avengers that much in five minutes of being around it what could it have been doing to Loki?  Plus, Loki has his own magic.  Personally, I think he have up way to easily after the hulk smashed him around, it reminds me too much of Natasha's "cranial recalibration" of the Hawk.  One more thing, when Thor complained that Loki was attacking them due to "imagined slights"; in what way were they imagined?  Loki was lied to his whole life (thousands of years), betrayed when he became king, and from what I saw in the Thor movie no one liked him all that much.  It was always Thor this and Thor that.  They went so far as to muzzle him like a rabid dog at the end of the movie.  Even the worst criminals have the right to defend themselves. 

Anyways, it's something to think about at least.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Jiro Dreams of Sushi - Movie Review

I originally though that this movie would be about how Jiro became such an amazing chef but turns out that it's more about the daily effort and strive for perfection than anything else.  Personally I think he goes a bit overboard and is unreasonably harsh.  That said, his sushi making skills are unrivaled.  Overall, I found the movie over the top for something so simple, it drifted off into slow motion sushi making one to many times.  And, don't even get me started on the animal cruelty aspect (a fish was flayed alive! And that wasn't the least of it).  Still, you do want to strive to be the best at whatever it is you do by the end. 

Side-note: My strawberry seeds are growing!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Loki - Frost Giant

I found this lovely drawing of Loki on DeviantArt and though it doesn't look a thing like him he's no less striking.  Beautiful really.  Sadly I can't seem to copy and paste it on this post but here's a link...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shadows and Light

I've been pondering the universe lately and have come to the conclusion that it is indeed nothing yet everything. 

Clearly that statement doesn't make any sense but think of it like this; what we see and hear are just are minds trying to make sense of the world.  Even time is just a product of our imagination.  So the world as we know it doesn't even exist therefore it's nothing, not really "here".  But, on the flip-side "I think, therefore I am" so it's everything.  It's all we have and more than a few things we don't.

On another note, I refound this song Bad Apple.  I love the art and the lyrics are quite catchy.  I think I'll spend some time this week learning them.

Here is a music box version of the same and though I can't say I like the beginning it picks up pretty quickly...

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Been a while since my last post, can't say I'm happy about that but it's been a mentally trying week (weeks? Honestly I don't pay attention to days).  The fact that my computer vehemently refuses to power up really isn't helping matters.  On an unrelated note, I've had an epiphany regarding Henry.  The facts are these; Henry loves to bite any and all people and though I would love to have some contact with him that doesn't involve biting the probability of that ever happening is slim to none.  However, when it comes right down to it I truthfully couldn't care less.  Which, is not to say that I don't care about him.  I love him and will always no matter whatever "faults" he may possess.  In fact, I rather like that little quirk of his.  The joy on his face and in his actions once he's managed to fool a human to coming that tiny bit closer so he can savagely playfully bite into their tender flesh is amusing to see.  Of course I'll keep trying to curb the habit though.

Side note: I finally managed to get my hands on a lavender plant so future wise there will be some posts about that.