Monday, September 16, 2013

Sleepy Hollow Thoughts

I had high hopes for this show so you should know it means a lot when I say it was awesome!  More than exceeding expectations I can hardly wait for the next episode.

Now as for the show itself, Crane reminds me of an interesting mix of Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes.  In essence, pure entertainment.  The soundtrack is also quite similar to Sherlock though whether that was on purpose or not is up for debate.  The theme song was a stroke of genius reminding me of an old favorite movie.  Lieutenant Mills wasn't too bad; I like her in general but she spent half the show choking up, near tears.  I understand her partner was killed but she better have a little more self control on the next episode.  Lastly, that demon hardly get any creepier, was worse than a weeping angel.

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