Sunday, September 1, 2013


Been a while since my last post, can't say I'm happy about that but it's been a mentally trying week (weeks? Honestly I don't pay attention to days).  The fact that my computer vehemently refuses to power up really isn't helping matters.  On an unrelated note, I've had an epiphany regarding Henry.  The facts are these; Henry loves to bite any and all people and though I would love to have some contact with him that doesn't involve biting the probability of that ever happening is slim to none.  However, when it comes right down to it I truthfully couldn't care less.  Which, is not to say that I don't care about him.  I love him and will always no matter whatever "faults" he may possess.  In fact, I rather like that little quirk of his.  The joy on his face and in his actions once he's managed to fool a human to coming that tiny bit closer so he can savagely playfully bite into their tender flesh is amusing to see.  Of course I'll keep trying to curb the habit though.

Side note: I finally managed to get my hands on a lavender plant so future wise there will be some posts about that.

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