Sunday, September 8, 2013

Shadows and Light

I've been pondering the universe lately and have come to the conclusion that it is indeed nothing yet everything. 

Clearly that statement doesn't make any sense but think of it like this; what we see and hear are just are minds trying to make sense of the world.  Even time is just a product of our imagination.  So the world as we know it doesn't even exist therefore it's nothing, not really "here".  But, on the flip-side "I think, therefore I am" so it's everything.  It's all we have and more than a few things we don't.

On another note, I refound this song Bad Apple.  I love the art and the lyrics are quite catchy.  I think I'll spend some time this week learning them.

Here is a music box version of the same and though I can't say I like the beginning it picks up pretty quickly...

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