Sunday, September 15, 2013

Is Loki Really So Evil?

I watched The Avengers again the other night and there are a few things I can't stop thinking about.  First off, did you notice how dreadfully sick and weak Loki is?  When Loki first comes through the portal he looks like he's going to keel over any second and almost does more than once.  Why wasn't that explained?  Secondly, when Natasha(?) said that Loki killed 80 people in two days?  What the hell?  Loki wasn't the one who collapsed the building, it was Fury!  I can't help but feel that Loki is not as evil as everyone seems to think.  Even Thor made that comment, "who controls the would be king?". If the glowstick of destiny affected the avengers that much in five minutes of being around it what could it have been doing to Loki?  Plus, Loki has his own magic.  Personally, I think he have up way to easily after the hulk smashed him around, it reminds me too much of Natasha's "cranial recalibration" of the Hawk.  One more thing, when Thor complained that Loki was attacking them due to "imagined slights"; in what way were they imagined?  Loki was lied to his whole life (thousands of years), betrayed when he became king, and from what I saw in the Thor movie no one liked him all that much.  It was always Thor this and Thor that.  They went so far as to muzzle him like a rabid dog at the end of the movie.  Even the worst criminals have the right to defend themselves. 

Anyways, it's something to think about at least.

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