Tuesday, November 13, 2012

TV Shows

I love TV shows, however after a while of watching them I just feel as if I should be doing something else, especially once it becomes redundant (meaning the same plot in every episode = predictable = boring).  At that point I usually give up watching them.  For example, I love the show Castle but from season three up until the end of season four it became more and more unappealing even getting to the point that I was considering giving it up.  Surprisingly Castle was able to pull a 180 and now I can't wait for the episodes to update.  If only all shows could keep me interested...  >.<

A show like Sherlock, if it would only update it would be my favorite.  Alas it only places second the first being Arrow.  Though I suspect it will rank first once again once season two comes out.  I guess Doctor Who would place third (though only the episodes with David Tennant) and Castle fourth.

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