Wednesday, December 5, 2012


A new Arrow comes out tonight and for some reason I can't seem to get excited about it.  I guess after the two week wait between episodes over thanksgiving killed the suspense that had been steadily building up.  It's not that I don't like the show anymore but I tend to build up great expectations which leave me disappointed when I actually watch the show (or movie as the case may be). The same thing happened when I watched The Bourne Legacy.

I have started up where I left off in The Mentalist some time ago.  Something about the character of Patrick Jane just draws me in like a bee to honey.  It has not once left me dissatisfied like so many others.

Often times with people I feel like after a year or two they become boring. Background noise, they're hardly noticeable.  When I watch The Mentalist I am able to see the complexity humans.  There is so much my eyes gloss over that I don't see the truth before them.  How sad then that I can see it in a TV show.  Or how happy, depending on your point of view.

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