Monday, December 3, 2012

The Host VS Paul

Now these are two movies that I've been meaning to watch for a while (well, Paul more so than The Host).

  •   The Host is the weirdest, most depressing yet funny movie I have ever watched.  I have never seen a family with worse luck.  Even at the end I expected something bad to happen but you don't really see anything.

  •   On the other hand, Paul was hilarious.  It was ridiculous in so many ways, ironic too.  Where Paul is more of a pick-me-up The Host is an end-of-the-world scenario.  However, in Paul the same jokes were used over and over.  It was a bit tiring.

Though both movies have people falling to pieces at the sight of something strange The Host goes more toward mass hysteria than comical.  For that reason I would choose Paul over The Host.  I felt better after watching Paul, whereas after watching The Host I was a little depressed.

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