Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reminiscing on Ghost Rider

Watching the first Ghost Rider movie again tonight.  There are times when I just want to watch that movie.  Don't know why, it's not the best of movies.  Lots of action but very cheesy.  Still, Ghost Rider has a sort of charm that I find very amusing.  I think it's the devils of the movie that make it good.

As with most movies I find that I am attracted to the secondary character more so than the main.  One example is in the TV show Moonlight, my favorite character is Josef Kostan.  In Arrow, I prefer Tommy Merlyn.  I would say that I like the fact that they are both a little bad and good at the same time, but in Ghost Rider that's not the case.  Blackheart in not a good guy, even if the saying goes "no one is truly bad or good".      So I will pin it down to his style.

I hope he will come back a some point.  Perhaps with someone that can curb his habit of killing.

Blackheart reminds me of Nora in a way and Nora is worth saving.

Note: For those how don't know Nora is the name of a manga.

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