Sunday, March 31, 2013

My Aquarium Plans

As most of you know (or should know if you have looked at my other blogs) I have a planted 30 gallon aquarium.  However, it only has a gravel substrate instead of something more beneficial for plant growth.  This is because those substrates are kind of expensive especially for larger aquariums.  But, recently I've been looking online for a better alternative and came across dirt.  That's right, good old-fashioned organic dirt.

With this in mind I've been thinking about how to accomplish it.  Getting the dirt is easy but apparently it needs at least a week to settle (because the ammonia spikes) and it's safe to add fish.  In the mean time I have nowhere to put my 20-something fishes.  And then, I'm going to add more plants.

(This is my aquarium, that fish I focus on at first is an African Featherfin Catfish, named Jason)

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