Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Warm Bodies - Movie Review

I love this movie.  My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time.  And, while it's like the book for the first half or so it quickly diverges to something even better.  Warm Bodies is both funny and sweet.  I've fallen in love with the characters (especially R).

Before Warm Bodies my view on zombies was probably the same as most people's.  Zombies were gross rotting things and I couldn't understand who so many people could watch movies about these cannibals.  But even in an undead state people are just people.  Life (sorry if I sound like a hippie) was not meant to be lived  hating what we are or aren't.  Being different is not a bad thing.  After all who's normal, really?

Anyways, I would give this movie five out of five stars.  ^_^

Quick side not for those of you who think Warm Bodies is anything like Twilight - you're narrow-minded idiots who judge things before giving them a chance.

Also, there is a lot more action in the movie than I remember there being in the book which is awesome.


  1. There are some plot holes that personally for me doesn’t seem that visible or really that noticeable, but in the grander scheme of things: everything was fine for me and made me happy to just see on-screen. Nice review Kiyoku.

    1. Thanks! If you don't mind me asking, what did were some of the plot holes you found?
