Friday, November 30, 2012

My Kitty Cat

So here I am, laying down on my bed and Sweetheart (one of my kittys) climbs on my chest and starts kneading my arm and as my mouth opens in a silent scream I think to myself 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!'  It's amazing how such little claws can hurt so much.  Still, she's so cute!


Movies now a days have really downgraded,  sure they are more action packed and have great animation but they have no substance.  There is nothing new.  It's always the same old thing, vampires, werewolves, superheros, aliens, etc.  Don't get me wrong, those are my favorite type of movies but I would like something new every once in a while.  Something  imaginative.  Take The Nightmare Before Christmas for example.  Even years after it was made there is not another movie quite like it.

On a side note, all my manga updated at the same time.  ^.^  I love the rush of excitement I get when I am about to read a new chapter.  There were so many!

My two favorite manga at the moment are Samurai Ragazzi and Shuumatsu no Laughter.  Both of these manga only have two chapters out so far.  So there is no need to worry that you have fallen too far behind if you want to start reading them.  I enjoy the lightness of Samurai R. it is as if nothing can get Harunobu down.  It's a tale of pure adventure.  On the other hand Shuumatsu no Laughter is about demons.  Each of these stories are fun to read.  You can really get into the mindset of the main characters even though so much mystery surrounding them.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


I'm rewatching the tv show Life as I had left off somewhere in season two.  I liked the show in the beginning but it is not really one that I am interested in the long run.  Anyways in one episode someone said, 'we are always in motion, therefore we are never here, just more likely to be here than not'.  What do you think of that?  And not just your initial response but really think about it.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thoughts on a Lonely Day

Have you ever had a day where you are just too tired to get out of bed but you get up anyways.  You get up because you have a job, some small thing you're looking forward to, or because you have someone that depends on you. Then the whole day you just want to go back to sleep and you think to yourself, 'why did I bother?'.  You think back to your reasons and the same routine happens the next day.

If you really think about it you've got to wonder what is the point?  Why are we here in the first place?  Where are we?  How?  The only reason I can think of is, because we must be.  The universe can't have nothing.  Or perhaps something out there was just lonely, bored even.  But in the end we are here and I wouldn't want it any other way.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Most songs lacking in lyrics I tend to bore me but there are a few such as this one that I could listen to all day. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Manga Update

Shuunmatsu no Laughter is the only new manga that I've read recently that's got my attention.  Alas, there is only one chapter out at the moment but I looking forward to reading more as it updates.

From the same author as Kekkaishi this new story is about an akuma who "eats" other demons.  What intrigues me most is why.  Why attack others of his kind when he shows so much empathy toward them.  And just who or what is his little sister?  Haru clearly means a lot to him, but what happened to the rest of their family?  How did he become a demon, was he born that way? 

As you can see there is a lot going on in this manga.  It is a collection of riddles I need solving.  Plus, I find it's humor refreshing.

Warm Bodies (trailer)

I almost forgot, well I actually forgot completely to post the trailer for Warm Bodies.  Anyways here it is.... (what I like most is th humor and the music playing in the beginning)

A Novel vs a Series

There are a lot of mixed opinions about having a series of books or just a single novel.  When I read a book I always want to know what happens next.  My mind comes up with all kinds of different endings, but in the end I am never quite satisfied with how they turn out.  The first book is without exception my favorite.  However, in some novels there are just one to many loose ends or gaps that need to be filled.  Even though I know I'll like the first book more that doesn't mean I won't buy the second or third.  The anticipation of what might happen is constantly there filling me with excitement.  Because even though I won't like the book as a whole there are a couple of bits hidden in the pages that I cherish.  Those small parts might be just a few lines but to me they are worth the wait.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Warm Bodies

Just watched the trailer for Warm Bodies and it looks awesome!  I'll have to read the book first but I can hardly wait for it to come out in theaters.  I'm betting it will be much better than the twilight movies too.  If I had a list of what movies I was looking forward to most this would make the top five. ^^

The Amazing Spider-Man

Despite what some think of this movie I enjoyed watching it and I'm tired of people who keep saying it sucked.  In some ways the movie seemed more realistic than its predecessors.  I won't lie though, this is very much a teen flick.  Flash is not much of a bully either.  That's not to say he isn't a major jerk but I can sympathize with him more in this version than I did in the others (in one bit at least).  In the end I thought it had a jeckel and hide mixed with a king kong sort of feel.  Anyways, I urge you to give this movie a shot if you haven't yet. ^_^

Friday, November 23, 2012


Finding out the name of the new Sherlock Holmes TV show took me a while.  I was expecting the name to have Sherlock in it but at least I found it in the end.  Unfortunately I started on episode four (something I strongly recommend against) so I had for find them online and start all over.  Elementary provides a new point of view on Sherlock Holmes.  Even hinting at what his past might have been like.  In Elementary Sherlock is a recovering drug addict and Watson is tasked with keeping him from relapsing.   I find I rather enjoy watching Sherlock in this new light.  Plus, he is a beekeeper which is something I've always wanted to be.  Though not quite as suspenseful as Sherlock (the TV show) this new Sherlock Holmes will keep you just as interested.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Breaking Dawn (part two)

After having finally watched the conclusion to the Twilight series I do have a few discrepancies but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Obviously it had some cheesy bits, a lot of them actually and there was a major fight scean that never happened in the book.  However that scean actually makes more sense being there than not.  The ending itself was bland, your basic happily ever after.

Anyways, still looking forward to the new Hansel and Gretal movie! :P

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New Manga with Summaries

First off, check out my new ring tone...

 I had postponed reading any new manga in order to catch up on a few that I have fallen behind in.  But that didn't hold up for long because found some interesting ones:

  • Green Blood
    • Set at the end of the civil war it involves two brothers trying to scrape out a life in the new world.  Every day thousands of new immigrants flood in hopes of a better life but what they find is a city ruled by the mob.  Luke's dream is to make enough money to buy land in the country to get out of the city, he knows that the cause of it's downfall is the mob.   On the other hand we have Brad who is the infamous Grim Reaper, assassin for Green Blood (mob).  Brad just wants to find the father who left the brothers and kill him but in the mean time he is an assassin for hire.  The biggest question is what will Luke do once he finds out who Brad really is.
  • Yankee-kun to Megane-chan
    • Shinagawa Daichi a known high school delinquent just wants to be left alone, no longer wanting to be bothered by his old life.  Adachi Hana wants him not to fail in school and repeat a year, she tries all kinds of ways to make him study.  However she is even dummer than he is.  They make and odd couple to say the least.  This is a very amusing manga.
  • Sengoku Youko
    • I've only just started this manga, but so far it is about two demons (brother and sister) and a swordsman whos goal is to rid the world of evil.  It's been interesting so far, a bit weird at times (I think the sister might have a crush on the brother).  I'm only five chapters in so I can't say much else.
  • Tonari no Seki-kun
    • This manga...*sigh*  I can't honestly say why I read it.  I guess there was nothing else at the time.  Anyways, it's about two high schoolers; one (Yokoi) who is (or use to be) a total nerd, always studying and paying attention in class and the other (Seki-kun) always fooling around without anyone noticing.  Everyday Seki-kun makes up these elaborate games to play in class and Yokoi can't seem to take her eyes off him. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Xbox Racing

Finally placed first in a car racing game on my Xbox.  It took a few trys but I did it! ;D

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Stayed up late last night and woke up early this morning.  I despise getting up early especially when I can't fall back asleep.  Needless to say I crashed at about three in the afternoon.  Now I find myself bored, with nothing much to do.  Guess I'll just watch a movie or two and go back to sleep.  :-/


There is this squirrel that stops my house for peanuts.  This morning instead of setting out some nuts like usual I decided to finish playing a game on Facebook.  I thought Chipper would come back later for the nuts, but no.  Chippr looked in the sliding glass door then claimed up the screen and stared right at me before shaking the shaking the screen in anger.

I decided to give him his nuts.

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter is one of the most interesting and funny movies I've seen in a while.  Dispute a few minor discrepancies the movie was awesome!!  Keeping my attention from start to finish it reminded me of a good book that I can't put down till the very end.   The few (or many, depending on your point of view) unrealistic bits only serve to make the movie more suspensful.  I hope there will be a second movie following Henry (my favorite character).  I'm sure they could with the ending  being what it was. 

If you have not yet watched this movie I strongly suggest you go out and get a copy!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cake Pops

Today I had a cake pop for the first time.  It was delicious!  I can't believe I've never had one before.  >.<

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Manga Talk - Denpa Kyoushi

Denpa Kyoushi is not the type of manga I usually spend my time on.  But recently I've been branching out and decided to give it a try.  Basically it's about an extremely lazy otaku who for various reasons ends up as a teacher.  The otaku teacher, Kagami Junichiro, has a rare "condition" that makes it impossible to anything he doesn't want to.  In exchange he can accomplish anything he wants.  While reading you follow him as he helps students do what they want most in life.  Funny throughout, this story is a great pick me up any time you are feeling down. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Simple Thoughts

Someone once said, "they're two sides to a story and then there's the truth".  It made me laugh, how right can someone be?  It is always the simple things that really get to you in the end.  The simple inventions, a small phrase, a gesture.  One should kick back and enjoy life at every chance you get.  Overthinging things will get you nowhere. ^_^ Besides, from what I can see life is there so you can live any way you want.  Just be.

TV Shows

I love TV shows, however after a while of watching them I just feel as if I should be doing something else, especially once it becomes redundant (meaning the same plot in every episode = predictable = boring).  At that point I usually give up watching them.  For example, I love the show Castle but from season three up until the end of season four it became more and more unappealing even getting to the point that I was considering giving it up.  Surprisingly Castle was able to pull a 180 and now I can't wait for the episodes to update.  If only all shows could keep me interested...  >.<

A show like Sherlock, if it would only update it would be my favorite.  Alas it only places second the first being Arrow.  Though I suspect it will rank first once again once season two comes out.  I guess Doctor Who would place third (though only the episodes with David Tennant) and Castle fourth.

Monday, November 12, 2012

More Manga

So, here is more manga, I am currently trying to go through all my bookmarks and find some good manga that I forgot about while waiting for them to update.  Waiting takes too long and in the meantime I read other manga and then forget where I left off.  Anyways, I remember all these being good so have a look!
  • Denpa Kyoushi
  • World Embryo
  • Ore ga Akuma de, Aitsu ga Yome de
  • Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
  • Mugen Spiral 
  • Last Ranker Be The Last One
  • Kirara and the White Wolf
  • Tenchi Shinmei!
  • Takamagahara
  • Jiujiu
  • Kurozakuro


Before I wrote that Save Yourself would be a good song to go with the Beauty and the Beast TV show, but now I'm thinking that  Monster by Skillet would fit even more.  Either way they are both good songs.

It seems I always come back to this type of hard rock music even though I also very much like the work of ThePianoGuys, coldplay, muse, and Madness.  ^_^

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cat Fur

When I got around to cleaning my room today the one thing I didn't expect was all the cat fur that was clinging to my shirt afterward.  The sheer number of them was unexpected to say the least.  I mean, I didn't even really pet either of my two cats while I was cleaning and it's a new shirt!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Beauty and the Beast X Save Yourself

It occurred to me that this song is great for the new Beauty and the Beast TV show...

The Crimson Crown

I finally got my hands on a copy of "The Crimson Crown" from The Seven Realms Series.  It had one of he best endings that I have ever read.  Normally a the end of a book or manga series I feel unsatisfied, like there should be more to it but, not in this case!  Throughout the book things started from bad to worst to practically hopeless   I was getting really depressed but the ending made it worth it, after all there can't be anything good with out the bad.  

Zetman = disappointment

Well, I must say I'm disappointed in the Zetman manga.  So much so that I highly doubt I will ever continue reading it.  First off, for several chapters the main character wasn't even there.  Secondly, it has too much Ecchi in it for me.  There comes a point that it was just to awkward to read.  There are other reasons as well but overall this manga is not for me.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two Great Manga

I completely forgot to write about Jackals! Jackals is a great manga, lots of blood and guts, not so much of a story line either but for some reason I like it a lot.  Basically, it's about professorial assasans in a city named for peace and tranquility but is anything but.

Thinking back I don't recall writing about Dragon Eye either.  Dragon Eye was one of the first manga I read, and holds a special place in my list of top manga.  It is more childish than Jackals, but still has lots of action.  Despite what some people say I think it has a strong story line, hinting at a shady past for the main character Issa Kazuma.  A past I wish the author would show more of.  Actually, the whole manga reminds me a bit of Naruto.  If you like Naruto then it would be a good manga to read.

New Manga

I am reading some new manga, waiting for my current ones to come out is just something that I have never been good at.  I prefer to read manga that already has a lot of chapters out so I don't have to wait to read more.  The only problem I have with that philosophy is once I find a really good manga I can't stop reading.  I have to now what happens next, you know?

So, here are the ones I decided to give a try...

  • Makai Ouji-Devils and a Realist
  • Samurai Ragazzi
  • Zetman
  • Takamagahara
  • Witch Shop

I really like Samurai Ragazzi but so far I can only find one chapter.  >.<
But in the time I wait for Samurai R. I will read Zetman.  It has been pretty interesting so far, at the moment things are not looking up for the main character and I hope he doesn't lose any of his super powers for good.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Yesterday I had a strong urge to watch the movie Soldier, however it was not available on Netflix to watch instantly.  Luckily for me found the full movie on Youtube.  ^.^

This movie has so many little touches that make it great; it will forever be one of my favorites!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Assassin's Creed


I just LOVE this new TV show Green Arrow, or just Arrow.  Arrow is one of the best action/superhero shows I've seen in a long time, and I've seen a lot of shows.  Although I'm not sure the commentary at some points is necessary.   I can hardly wait until the next episode comes out!  The suspense alone....

For those who have no idea what show I'm talking about, Arrow is a modern day Robin Hood type.  The main character Oliver Queen was trapped on an island for 5 years.  Now that he is back Oliver wants to rebuild his fathers city, make it a better place.  The plot thickens as you go on, I don't like to give spoilers so I'll stop here.