Monday, December 31, 2012

Four Brothers

Watching the movie Four Brothers for the first time.  Good movie, I like the humor and there's a lot of action.  Bad thing - killed my favorite character yet again.  >_<

Akimu and Semi

 While reading Blood Lad I wondered what it was about Papladon Akimu that I liked.  I couldn't put my finger on it.  For all I knew he was a psychopath.  Then it hit me... Akimu looks a lot like Semi from Waltz and Maoh.  And Semi is one of my favorite characters.


My Cute Kitty

これわ 私の かわいい 猫 です。


So, here I am six months or so after I finished high school and I haven't studied Japanese once.  I decided I'd start writing a few Japanese phrases in my blog to get back on track.  Feel free to correct any mistakes.


Went on a four mile walk last night in preparation for climbing Mt. Rainier.  I came this close to getting a blister.  But other than that I was doing pretty good.  Of course, the double chocolate cookie ice cream that I ate when I got back home probably wasn't the best of ideas (worth it though).

On a side note, I've been feeling rather melancholy of late.  This song about sums it up...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Doctor Who

The Best Doctor

Dark Shadows

Re-watched Dark Shadows (The new movie not the TV show) the other night.  I love that movie so much.  I don't care what anyone says, it is a good movie.  You can't judge something before taking the time to watch it in the first place.  Johnny Depp was such a cliched vampire with completely overdone acting.  It was perfect.  So funny.

Mt. Rainier

I'm going to clime/hike Mt. Rainier for the first time at the end of next summer.  Since I've never climbed a mountain before or really hiked in general I'm told I should build up to it.  Plus there will be less snow by then.  Of course I'm not climbing to the top, just nine miles or so (round trip).  It should take about 5 hours to get up and 3 hrs back down. 

Then if I feel like it I'll make the climb to the top some other time.  But that's a seven day trip and I'm not sure who I should trust to take care of my animals.  No one from my family or my friends is particularly adept in animal care.  Still, I'll find someone if I have to.

Movie Review - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

The Hobbit is a feast for the eyes.  Amazing graphics.  As far as I could tell it kept to the original storyline as well.  I'm not 100% certain as I've never been able to get very far into the book but the parts I had read were very well done in .

There are a few things that set this movie back from being one of my favorites though. First off the background music was less than average.  Secondly, that creepy thing that's always saying "my precious" really freaks me out.  I can't stand him.  Thirdly, it was so long.  I found myself yawning and zoning out at several parts.

I watched The Hobbit in 3D as well, so my eyes really hurt by the middle and were utterly tired by the end.  Then there's the added fact that I wear glasses.  3D glasses over regular glasses in not exactly the most pleasant experience and more than a little embarrassing.

I did like the choice of actor who played Bilbo Baggins. He was also in Sherlock. I think he is perfect for the role.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Quote Findings

"Everything was perfectly healthy and normal here in Denial Land"

- Harry Dresden (from Jim Butcher's book Cold Days)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Upcoming Movies #6 (After Earth)

I get chills everytime I watch this trailer.  The effects are magnificant and I can hardly wait for it to hit theaters.

What I don't get about the movie are the animals.  So, if all the plants have evolved to kill humans why haven't any of the animals evolved?  Why didn't the plants evolve to kill them too?  How can the plants tell the difference?  Who fast did the plants evolve that humans couldn't destroy them?

I have loads more questions but I'll wait until after I watch the movie before judging it further.

Hits theaters June 7th, 2013

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Quote Findings

"Puff yourself with honor and pride and no one can save you from a fall" - Living the Wisdom of the Tao (Book)

"If you need rules to be kind and just, if you act virtuous, this is a sure sign that virtue is absent.  Thus we see the great hypocrisy" - same as above

"An Army that cannot yield will be defeated.  A tree that cannot bend will crack in the wind" - see above

    ( / _
   ( '   \
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Lost in Thought

I am down to my last broken (but still usable) pen.  Where can they all be?  I also lost my last pencil.  *sigh*
This reminds me of the twenty or so times I lost my eraser when I hadn't moved from one spot on my bed while drawing a picture last year.  I'm hopeless when it comes to things like this. >.<

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

R is a Zombie King

"R is a zombie king" is what I thought when reading Warm Bodies for the first time.  I also thought that M or Marcus is a pervert (no offence meant). 

What I mean by R being a zombie king is solely based on how his thoughts affect those around him and how different he is from the other zombies in general.  Plus there's the fact that he and Julie changed  all the other zombies making them "human" again (I'm still not convinced that they are the same as they were before being turned).  I see no other explanation as to why his thoughts could change everyone else.  And another thing, who was R before he was turned?  Why when other zombies start dreaming of their past does R only dream of Perry's life (Perry is Julie's boyfriend whom R ate)?

You know, in a way R reminds me of Blood Lad (main character from the manga).

Monday, December 24, 2012


Opened my presents early this year and my sister got me a 5 pound chocolate bar (among other things).  I have know idea how to finish it all.  ^_^

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Gamer is the most action packed movie I have watched since the Man From Nowhere.  I loved it!  Though very reminiscent of Surrogates it defiantly has its own appeal.  In fact I like it much more than Surrogates (mostly because I can't stand Bruce Willis).  Gerard Butler on the other hand is a fantastic actor; you can really feel what Kable is going through and thinking.

At times (the beginning mostly) I thought this movie was sick and twisted.  But it's one of those that you can't look away from.  The "adult content" at every turn was largely unnecessary, however the movie as a whole is epic.

Drawing Again

So, I haven't been drawing much lately (not for the past 6 months) and decided it's time to start back up again.

I found these two cute pictures on the Internet...

...and combined them to make this...

Note:  I'm not trying to copy anyone's work, this is purely for myself.  I will not be selling this sketch.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Blood Soul

Though it's not technically new, I recently found a great manga.  Blood Soul is absolutely EPIC.  Lots of action yet it still has a good story.  Plus, both vampires and werewolves (even if you don't get to see the werewolf transform much).  If you like Noblesse or Necromancer then you will love this!

Basically, the story is about a vampire who is trying to get his fangs (fangs = power) back from some crazy priest who killed all of  his friends and family.  Only with no fangs he is stuck in a child-like form and can only use his vampire power (control over blood) for a short amount of time.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New Manga

Here's a few mangas that have recently come out... (ones that I liked reading, not just new ones)

  • Shirayukihime to 7-nin no Shuujin
    • Otherwise known as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  •  Akazukin to Koisuru Ookami
    • A version of Red Riding Hood
  • Monsters (Tasaka Ryou - author)
    • Similar story line as Necromancer
  • Akuma ga Kitarite
    • Cute love story

Movie Review - Battleship

I really need to stop listening to my brother on his movie advice.  He judges things way to harshly before even watching it.  The only reason I occasionally listen to him is because our taste in movies and anime use to be quite similar.  Over the past year however they have differed somewhat.

Anyways, what I'm trying to get at here is that the movie Battleship is really good with just the right amount of humor to lighten the mood.  You should give it a chance if you haven't yet.  It's become one of my favorites. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dog Cookies

Look at these dog cookies!  They look so tasty and meant for humans.

If your wondering, I bought them for my moms dog Mandy.  Sadly I have no dog myself.  >.<

Just bought two new very cute key chain/cell phone straps...

Hollowfied Ichigo

Upcoming Movies #5 (Oblivion)

Yet another movie with Tom Cruise, Oblivion is about future Earth and one mans (Jack Harper)  "confrontation with the past" and a fight to save mankind.

Skeptical of this well-worn topic I was pleasantly surprised that the trailer looked so good.  Though it was a bit confusing at parts, overall it was action packed and pretty intriguing.

Hits Theaters April 19th, 2013

Christmas Song

Here is a Christmas song, for you all...

Note: If you haven't heard this song before, you should wait a bit.  Eventually the song picks up pace.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Blogs of Sherlock Holmes

I know It's been a while since the TV show came out, but I have recently gotten around to searching for Sherlock and Watson's blogs.

In my opinion Sherlock's blog is rather robotic.  Boring.  Drab.  Watson's blog on the other hand was funny at parts.  I especially enjoyed reading the comments.  The ones from his family were the most hilarious.  ^_^

Broken Bells - October

Finally! I finally found the song that's at the start of the Warm Bodies trailer.  The lyrics are so familiar, but I can't say I've ever purposefully listened to this song before.

The vocals are average and I zone out on the lyrics but I still like the song as a whole (well the beginning especially).

Just realized that I recognize this song because I've listened to The High Road by Broken Bells before. :P

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Reminiscing on Ghost Rider

Watching the first Ghost Rider movie again tonight.  There are times when I just want to watch that movie.  Don't know why, it's not the best of movies.  Lots of action but very cheesy.  Still, Ghost Rider has a sort of charm that I find very amusing.  I think it's the devils of the movie that make it good.

As with most movies I find that I am attracted to the secondary character more so than the main.  One example is in the TV show Moonlight, my favorite character is Josef Kostan.  In Arrow, I prefer Tommy Merlyn.  I would say that I like the fact that they are both a little bad and good at the same time, but in Ghost Rider that's not the case.  Blackheart in not a good guy, even if the saying goes "no one is truly bad or good".      So I will pin it down to his style.

I hope he will come back a some point.  Perhaps with someone that can curb his habit of killing.

Blackheart reminds me of Nora in a way and Nora is worth saving.

Note: For those how don't know Nora is the name of a manga.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

First Snow

Today I saw the first snow of the season, just in time for the holidays!  The only downside is that it's so cold out.  I can stay in the snow for a long time, even with out a coat.  But once I get cold, it takes me a forever to get back warm again.  Still, I absolutely love the snow.  Snow is my favorite part of Christmas.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Upcoming Movies #4 (The Wolverine)

The Wolverine is one of the movies I am looking forward to most.  In the previous movie about Wolverine we learned a lot about Logan's past.  This new installment is about Logan's future more specifically  what happens to Logan after Professor X "dies".

To sum it up, Logan goes to Japan to train with a Samurai.  However, there is  not much else known about the movie.

Upon watching the trailer there I've concluded that this movie will be EPIC.  .

Hits Theaters July 26th, 2013

Updated info can be found at ...

Zippy Ziggy

I am about ten chapters into the Zippy Ziggy manga.  At first I was on the fence about reading it because Zippy Ziggy isn't the type of manga I usually go for, but I can honestly say it's the most hilarious manga I have ever read.  The main character is so shallow, I'm surprised that he has kept his true self hidden from those around him so effectively.  The story line itself is predictable, the worst that can go wrong does in the most sadistic way it possibly can.

Christmas Cat

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Waiting for Warm Bodies

>.<  I don't like waiting! Waiting is a waste of time meant for people with no life.  Without something to do I get so bored and loose track of time.  For example, this morning I woke up at 3:10 pm and thought "What the hell!  Where did the day go?!" 

Well, in the meantime I found these two cute pictures...  

Zombie Bunny
R - Warm Bodies

Skyrim Violin

The beginning of this song is so familiar to me, but I can't quite place it.  Almost like it's from a dream.  

Anyways, this video is something I thought you would like to hear (despite the rather abrupt ending).

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Werewolf Boy

I'm conflicted about this movie because though I love werewolves, I'm not sure how I feel about the way the girl handled the situation.  How could one be that cruel and make a person wait for you so long?

On the other hand, the trailer looks pretty cool, I can hardly wait to see it!

Now Playing in Theaters

Upcoming Movies #3 (The Host)

The Host is another adaption of a book written by Stephenie Meyer.  I honestly hope it will be good because for the most part I liked it.  The concept that the Earth is invaded by aliens is not new in any sense but not many have ventured far into the Earth already having been taken over from the beginning.  I suppose we just don't want so see ourselves as a hopeless case.

Plus, there is the added aspect that people are more peaceful when we are not ourselves.  If you think about it, human kind is violent and selfish at its core.  It's in our very nature to think of ourselves above others.  We obsess over any heroic act because there aren't many people that act truly heroic.

Hits theaters March 29th, 2013

Monday, December 10, 2012

Be Yourself


Found and fantastic remix of Shadows (by Lindsey Stirling) on YouTube.  It's amazing what people can accomplish.


Guitar Cover...

Piano Music

Here are two of my favorite piano music videos that I like more than the original.  The first is Twilight and the second is Lacie Melody from Pandora Hearts.

Though Twilight  was ruined for me (mostly because of the crazed fans) that doesn't mean I  won't acknowledge a beautiful piece of music.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Werewolf Manga

Werewolves are one of my favorite creatures yet I can hardly ever find any manga or anime about them.  So, here is a list of manga/anime relating to wolves, werewolves, animal-like humans, dogs, excreta (Note: I will be updating this post as I find more).

  • Wolf Guy
  • Wolf's Rain
  • Inuyasha
  • Beast Master
  • Spice and Wolf
  • Princess Mononoke
  • 666 Satan
  • Boku wa Ookami
  • Her Majesty's Dog
  • Ginrou no Sakura
  • Kirara and the White Wolf
  • Jui Jui
  • Nora - The Last Chronicle of Devildom
  • Kindan no Koi de Ikou
  • Akazukin to, Koisuru Ookami
  • Blood Soul
  • Klan
  • Crescent Moon
  • Sainokami
  • Cuticle Detective Inaba
  • Wolfull Moon
  • 5 Cats

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Upcoming Movies #2 (Now You See Me)

I love magic and illusions so I have been waiting quite some time for a new illusionist movie to come out.  However, I suspect that I might be disappointed in this case.  Though the trailer has some good effects and a few funny bits the story line itself feels lacking.  Not very well planned out.  If you're going to have a movie surrounded by magic there needs to be something more to it than thievery.  There are more than enough Robin Hood stories out in the world already.

Hits theaters June 7th, 2013

Friday, December 7, 2012

Manga Review - Divine Bells

Divine Bells had been an interesting read so far.  The main character, Hong-Ryung, is sullen, speaking only when necessary.  Still, I find him interesting and cute.  There are plenty of mysteries that need solving so I can definitely see this manga going on for some time.  Reminds me a bit of Tower of God.  If you like Tower of God this could be a good manga for you.  I'm guessing it's written by the same author/artist, there is that much in common.  But, I haven't looked into it so I can't say for sure.

Quote Findings

"Any Relic of the Dead is precious, if they were valued living" - Emily Bronte

"I have dreamed in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind." - Emily Bronte

"If the shower will make the roses bloom, O why lament its fall" - Charlotte Bronte

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." - Charlotte Bronte

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Upcoming Movies #1 (Iron Man 3)

 Honestly I have know idea what's going to happen in the new iorn man movie.  The trailer is confusing, you can't even tell who's wearing the new iorn man suit.  The movie reviews aren't any better at explaining.  The only option left is to wait and see.  What I can say is that the movie looks exciting, action packed, and more in depth than either of it's predecessors.  A definite must see. 

In theaters May 3rd, 2013

Quote Findings

'Life is so constructed that an event does not, cannot, will not, match the expectation' - Charlotte Brontë

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


A new Arrow comes out tonight and for some reason I can't seem to get excited about it.  I guess after the two week wait between episodes over thanksgiving killed the suspense that had been steadily building up.  It's not that I don't like the show anymore but I tend to build up great expectations which leave me disappointed when I actually watch the show (or movie as the case may be). The same thing happened when I watched The Bourne Legacy.

I have started up where I left off in The Mentalist some time ago.  Something about the character of Patrick Jane just draws me in like a bee to honey.  It has not once left me dissatisfied like so many others.

Often times with people I feel like after a year or two they become boring. Background noise, they're hardly noticeable.  When I watch The Mentalist I am able to see the complexity humans.  There is so much my eyes gloss over that I don't see the truth before them.  How sad then that I can see it in a TV show.  Or how happy, depending on your point of view.

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Bit of Warmth in this Cold Weather

There are some things in life that you just have to sit back and enjoy.  This song is one of them.

Remember, just because you are feeling down doesn't mean you should give up.  Your imagination can take you anywhere.  So, make it take you somewhere you want to be.

The Host VS Paul

Now these are two movies that I've been meaning to watch for a while (well, Paul more so than The Host).

  •   The Host is the weirdest, most depressing yet funny movie I have ever watched.  I have never seen a family with worse luck.  Even at the end I expected something bad to happen but you don't really see anything.

  •   On the other hand, Paul was hilarious.  It was ridiculous in so many ways, ironic too.  Where Paul is more of a pick-me-up The Host is an end-of-the-world scenario.  However, in Paul the same jokes were used over and over.  It was a bit tiring.

Though both movies have people falling to pieces at the sight of something strange The Host goes more toward mass hysteria than comical.  For that reason I would choose Paul over The Host.  I felt better after watching Paul, whereas after watching The Host I was a little depressed.

Living Christmas Tree

Went for a living Christmas tree this year.  It's so pretty!   Plus...
  • It won't  have to be cut down like so many others.  
  • Low cost (only $60) which I won't have to pay again for a few years.  After that I'll have to plant it and buy a new one.  
  • Good for the environment

A gift
Lucy, my little akuma

Sunday, December 2, 2012

13 To Life + Manga

Started a new series, the first book is called 13 To Life.  It reminds me of Twilight a lot.  The difference is that this series is about werewolves and it is much fun to read thanTwilight ever was.  Plus, this humor isn't there on accident.  It actually sounds like it was meant to be funny and not a collection of cheesy lines.

New Manga...

Kurenai no Ookami to Ashikase no Hitsuji

I started a few others but this is the only one that really caught my attention.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

heaven and hell

I am not what you would call religious, but recently I keep hearing the phrase 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'.  Well, if the road to hell is paved with good intentions just what is the road to heaven paved with?