Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years

Went to the Space Needle in Seattle to see the new year fireworks.  I might have been a little too close, as several pieces of who-knows-what fell in my hair and one even got in my eye.  But it was all worth it in the end.  The fireworks were awesome.  I especially liked the spiny ones. ^.^

Sadly, I didn't get any pictures of the fireworks.  Like an idiot I neglected to charge my phone all the way and ten minutes before the fireworks went off my phone gave the"battery is critically low" warning.  Still, I'm sure plenty of other people got some good shots.  :'(

Well, there is always next year! (I'll have to remember to bring warmer clothes and possibly a blanket and not come four hours early because there isn't much to do while waiting.  And of course, remember to charge my phone)

On a side note, I think the smell of burning rubber and gunpowder is going to stick to me for a few days.  :-/

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