Saturday, January 19, 2013


I am so anti-social its comical.  I hate malls.  They suck the life out of me.  Although, if I'm being truthful it is more the company I keep than the mall itself (or whatever crowded place I go).  That's not to say that I don't like my friends or family, it's just that they are always trying to lead me along and find stuff that they think I'll like.  I never like what they do and after a while it makes me so depressed.  I don't LIKE having to say no all the time.  Then they get all upset and ask why I'm such a downer.  How is that suppose to make me feel?  It's a vicious cycle.  I'm no good at lying either so I can't even pretend I'm interested.  >_<

Sometimes (most of the time really) I would like to be left alone.  I find I am happiest by myself with my animals.

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