Friday, January 25, 2013

Quote Findings (Big Bang Theory)

I've been watching a lot of the Big Bang Theory of late. I have a lot to catch up on.  I usually don't bother watching comedies mostly because when compared to my family and the majority of my friends I have a completely different sense of humor (or lack of).  And, I assumed I just wouldn't like most comedies.  For example, I don't get why people like the Mindy show, or project (whatever it's called)

Anyways, one evening when nothing interesting was on TV I was flicking around and found the Big Bang Theory.  Now I can't stop watching.  It is on five days a week and I try my best never to miss and episode.

If you haven't watched it then you don't know who Sheldon is, but he's basically the main character and here are some of my favorite quotes...

  • "Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch"
  • "I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering that in the center of every black hole there's a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker"
  • "I'll watch the last 24 minutes of Doctor Who, although at this point it's more like Doctor Why Bother"
  • "Oh, what fresh hell is this?"

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