Saturday, April 20, 2013

Beekeeping Lesson #2

Still so much information to learn.  Just when you think you know all that a honey bee it does some new amazes you. In this weeks lesson we focused mostly on the hive.  I'm glad I finally know what each part is n for and why.  Starter beekeeping kits provide you with a deep super and no honey supers.  I'd always wonders why people let themselves get ripped off.  But, it turns out that when a colony is just starting out they only build up the comb as much as they can keep warm.  Having extra supers would only cause the bees to get chills and end in a dead colony.

Another thing that really intrigued me had nothing to do with hives and instead with seedless fruits.  Did you ever wonder how they made them seedless?  It's not natural.  To get something seedless requires no pollination by bees of any kind.  Which means no bees are allowed anywhere near the plants.  Just recently some company tried to get honey bees outlawed in a large part of California.  Three major queen bee breeders were in that area.  No breeders equals no bees and where would that leave us?

Oh, bought the hive!  It's currently in pieces, but on Sunday we're going to set it up in the back yard and paint it.

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