Friday, April 12, 2013

First Beekeeping Lesson

Went to my first beekeeping lesson today.  There is so much to learn, bees are such intricate little creatures.  It astounds me at how much they can accomplish in their short lives.  Did you know that in its entire life a single be makes only 1/12 a teaspoon of honey but in a year hives produce an average of 70 pounds of it?  Before today I never wondered how bees made the wax for their combs or how different species of honey bees not only differ in personality and honey production but also have different abilities.  For example, there is a Russian bee that's able to get rid of mites by itself without the help of treatments.  But, you could just as easily have Italian bees and dust them with powdered sugar to get rid of mites.

There's major conflict going on right now as well.  Bees are dying out because of all the pesticides used.  Without bees we could not produce enough produce to survive.  I think farmers should consider that when spraying their crops.

Anyways, I can't wait for my next lesson!  We are going to work with actual hives learning how to assemble them and whatnot.

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