Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beekeeping Lesson #3

In this lesson we covered all that can go wrong with a hive (mites, moths, foulbrood, bears, raccoons, skunks, ext.).  So depressing, especially the skunks.  I don't think any live near me, but they scratch at the front of the hive, wait for the bees to investigate, and eat them!

A lot of the medicines/treatments you give the bees are all natural but then there are some treatments that have neurotoxins in them.  Obviously, I'm never going to use those.  The natural treatments don't even require much investing like, coating the hive in powdered sugar and giving them candy canes.  Candy canes!  For some reason I can't get over the fact that candy canes are good for them to eat.

Side-note... My bees are ordered and come this Wednesday!

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