Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The premier to Defiance was better than I expected.  That said, it was LONG.  At every commercial I was thinking, "How much more could there be?"  or "When will it end!?".  I did like it, but the very fact that I was thinking that at all should say a lot.

Many of the commercials for this show seemed to play up Nolan's hatred of the alien races but I neglected to see that aspect of him.  I also didn't like the switch-ups of the characters.  One minute you were following the two bounty hunters and the next someone else.  I suppose that makes the story line easier to follow though.  I'll just have to get use to it.

It may be because I've seen a lot of TV shows but only one small part of Defiance was truly surprising.  That part was nearly at the end.   I don't want to wait to be amazed.

Still, Defiance is a pretty good show and I'm definitely going to keep watching.

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