Monday, April 15, 2013

A Werewolf Boy

Wolf Boy is the sweetest movie I have seen since Hachi and P.S. I Love You combined.  Chul-Soo is the most adorable werewolf I've ever come across.  Yet, unlike in some movies he still manages to remain like a true wolf and not some idealized version of one.

Before I watched the movie I read several reviews because as you know I'm a huge werewolf fan and didn't want another Twilight to happen.  In every one they wrote that Wolf Boy (a.k.a. A Werewolf Boy) was not your typical werewolf.  I have yet to see why they said that.  Chul-Soo has superior strength, vision, speed, hearing, and best of all he can shape-shift.  How is that not a typical werewolf?  So there was no changing on the full moon or mention of silver; I'm not looking for something that unrealistic or cheesy.

To be frank, I really love this movie.  It's sweet, romantic, has a fair amount of action (for a romantic movie), and had an ending that I didn't hate.  I was expecting something completely different and am so glad I was wrong.  Sure I cried anyways, but it was in a hopeful way.

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