Friday, April 5, 2013

Food For Thought

It has occurred to me while reading Buckland's Complete Book Of Witchcraft that people believe in God(s)/Goddess(es) do so for the same reason some believe in aliens.  It's because otherwise we would be alone.

Anyways, it is a very interesting book (even if you have no interest in Wicca/Witchcraft).  I've only read twenty or so pages and already my mind is buzzing.  Right now I'm on the topic of Reincarnation and Karma.  Both of these topics to me never made a whole lot of sense.  I mean, sure I believed in them to an extent but there were things that could have been explained better.  In Buckland's C.B.O.W.  they just click.

For example, the most common question those who don't believe in Reincarnation have for those who do do you explain population growth?

Answer:  Of course there is population growth.  The whole point of Reincarnation is for souls to experience all aspects of life and they don't all start the journey at the same time.  There are old souls and new ones just starting out.  A child genius may just be a soul who has remembered parts of a past life (such as young pianists like Mozart who created symphonies at five years old).


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