Thursday, January 31, 2013

Shiba Inu

I have decided, when I get a dog (in a year or so) I want a Shiba Inu.  They are very cute, have great personalities, and are not as large as an Akita but still large enough not to be a shrimp like a Chihuahua (no offence to Chihuahua owners).

"Finished" Map of SSI

I put finished in quotes because I'm not quite satisfied with the end result.  So, later on I might make a few changes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


OK, so my computer refuses to connect to the "wireless" printer.  I've decided to go old school.  I'll get a typewriter.  Maybe.  On second thought, they do seem to be rather expensive especially if you want one that looks nice and actually types.  Then again, I could always build my own. ^_^


After a week or so of putting it off I've finally started a map for my brother's game.

Here's the original...

And here is what I've got so far...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Honey Soap

I just used this soap for the first time and it's great!  It feels so nice.  Plus, it's all natural.

If your interested then you can find them here...

Sweet Melody


I typed in "interesting" on bing and this is the first picture that came up...

One has to did this happen?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sweetheart is a Love Bug

Spent the day at my moms and when I came back Sweetheart was waiting for me at the door to my room.  I felt really bad when I turned the lights of because her eyes squinted up.  She licked my hands and rubbed her face against mine for the next twenty minutes or so.  I think she hates it when I leave.  As a previous shelter cat she is use to seeing her loved ones leave and never come back.

Here is a short video I took of her and Henry earlier in the day...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sketch - Vashta Nerada

Last night I had a dream about Doctor Who, I won't get into the details but it gave me a really cool idea for a new Doctor Who episode.  What if the Vashta Nerada of today are just poor copies of themselves.  Way back in history they were destroyed, all but one.  One Vashta Nerada (later the Doctor would realize there could be more than one)  fell into a deep sleep.  The Doctor would be faced with the choice.  Kill it (next to impossible)  or let it live?  Because this to would be the "last" of an ancient race capable of destroying worlds.  This creature would not only reside in a tree but actually is a tree.  In slumber you would not be able to tell the Vashta Nerada tree apart from the others and since they are capable of sleeping for millenia even the Time Lords considered them nightmares to tell the young of Gallifrey.  Like the boogie man.

I'll admit the idea does need some work but I believe it could be great.  Perhaps (I don't know how yet) we could tie it into finding out the Doctor's name.  Whoever figures it out would unleash this ancient Vashta Nerada.  End of the world type situation.  After all, the Doctor did say the only thing you can do is run and that's with the meek Vashta Nerada of today.  There really wouldn't be a choice to let it live or die.  The only option left would be to trap it somewhere or find a planet for it to live out on.  Some would die, but for the greater good.

Friday, January 25, 2013

David Tennant

(Found at )

Old Photos

I enjoy going through old photos, even I don't know most of the people in them.  Just thinking of all those who came before, these were their most precious memories and I like trying to figure out who they were.  In this one, they look so depressed but it really tells the most interesting story.


Grey Day

We've all had a morning like this, but it's still nice to know your not alone.

Quote Findings (Big Bang Theory)

I've been watching a lot of the Big Bang Theory of late. I have a lot to catch up on.  I usually don't bother watching comedies mostly because when compared to my family and the majority of my friends I have a completely different sense of humor (or lack of).  And, I assumed I just wouldn't like most comedies.  For example, I don't get why people like the Mindy show, or project (whatever it's called)

Anyways, one evening when nothing interesting was on TV I was flicking around and found the Big Bang Theory.  Now I can't stop watching.  It is on five days a week and I try my best never to miss and episode.

If you haven't watched it then you don't know who Sheldon is, but he's basically the main character and here are some of my favorite quotes...

  • "Oh gravity, thou art a heartless bitch"
  • "I think that you have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble Telescope does of discovering that in the center of every black hole there's a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker"
  • "I'll watch the last 24 minutes of Doctor Who, although at this point it's more like Doctor Why Bother"
  • "Oh, what fresh hell is this?"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Artist's Block

Lately I've been having artist's block.  I can't seem to get any of my ideas down on paper.  So, thought I'd write a post on how to overcome artist's block.

Artist's block is different for everyone and being different not all of these techniques may work for you.  One might if you're lucky.

  • Try taking a break
    • This almost always works for me, although a break can last for a few minutes or a few months depending on different factors.  This is not the technique for someone on a time constraint.
  • Draw something unrelated
    • Now, this technique almost never works for me but I thought it was worth mentioning.  Try using a different medium.  If you were using pencils try pastels or paint.
  • Listen to some music
    • I always listen to music while drawing, it's good for inspiration.  Music choice is not important just listen to what you enjoy.  I will make one remark though, don't always listen to the same thing. Try branching out.  Listen to something new every once in a while.  
  • Meditation
    • Any type of calming exercise will work.  Taking a few deep breaths or practicing Tai Chi in the mornings.  Just relax.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Eclectic Music

I do believe that I have a very eclectic taste in music.  For example, just this morning I was listening to this song....

and ended up at this one...

I love them both.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Ice Cream

I've realized something of late, one should not eat ice cream on and empty stomach.  You end up eating half the tub.  ;)

Tai Chi Update

Ok, so my previous account of my progress proved to be false.  I suspect it will take me much longer than antissapated to get this down correctly.  I almost have the basic forms, but the subtle shifts in weight are a little harder.

Quote Findings

The following quotes are meant to be bumper stickers on cars, I found them on this website...

"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it"

"It takes a viking to raze a village"

"Auntie Em: hate you, hate Kansas, taking the dog - Dorothy" 

"Buckle up! It makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car"

"Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult"

"Come to the darkside...we have cookies"

"Cover me, I'm changing lanes"

"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup"

Upcoming Movies #7 (Trance)

This may be the most action packed thriller I've yet to see.  The trailer was a bit confusing on what's real and what isn't but sill, it looked good.  Very good.  I'm a little worried about the main character loosing a finger or two when the mob guys torture him for information.  Loosing body parts is really the only thing I can't handle in movies (or TV shows).  It makes me feel sick to my stomach, perhaps something happened to me in a past life because I can't handle it, at all.  Stabbing, knife wounds, broken bones, etc. are fine but loosing body parts are not.

Anyways,  the movie is about an art auctioneer who with and underground gang plots to steal a masterpiece by Goya.  However, Simon (auctioneer) idiotically double-crosses the gang during the robbery.  The gang boss, Franck, hits him on the head and throughout the movie Simon tries to remember what happened to the painting.

Release Date is March 14th, 2013

Cinnamon and Honey

Honey is produced nearly everywhere in the world and for good reason.  Did you know that a mixture of cinnamon and honey cures most diseases?  It has been proven scientifically in many studies.  

To list a few things honey and cinnamon are good for...

  • Heart Diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Bladder Infections 
  • Cholesterol
  • Colds
  • Upset Stomach
  • Gas
  • Strengthening the Immune System
  • Indigestion
  • Influenza
  • Longevity
  • Raspy or Sore Throat 
  • Pimples
  • Skin Infections
  • Weight Loss
  • Cancer
  • Fatigue
  • Bad Breath
  • Hearing Loss
For more information on how much honey and cinnamon you should use for each item on the list please go to this website...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Day In Seattle

After visiting Uwajimaya I was on my way to the Noodle Shop when I heard a bunch of sharp pops, firecrackers.  I had stumbled upon a Parade!  It made my day.

Seattle Aquarium
New Cat Scratcher for Sweetheart (was a success)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Tai Chi Update

Today was my second time practicing a simple form of Tai Chi and I have made so much progress!  I think with one more (two at most) repetitions I  will have it down.  From there it is only a matter of practice to get my body to do it naturally.

I did not expect to feel to hungry afterwards but technically it is a form of exercise, so I guess it's to be expected.

Jack Skellington Sketch

Drew a rough sketch of The Pumpkin King.  I used this GIF to get his basic shape down, but keep in mind that I am no good at drawing people even animated ones.


I am so anti-social its comical.  I hate malls.  They suck the life out of me.  Although, if I'm being truthful it is more the company I keep than the mall itself (or whatever crowded place I go).  That's not to say that I don't like my friends or family, it's just that they are always trying to lead me along and find stuff that they think I'll like.  I never like what they do and after a while it makes me so depressed.  I don't LIKE having to say no all the time.  Then they get all upset and ask why I'm such a downer.  How is that suppose to make me feel?  It's a vicious cycle.  I'm no good at lying either so I can't even pretend I'm interested.  >_<

Sometimes (most of the time really) I would like to be left alone.  I find I am happiest by myself with my animals.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tai Chi

The other day I bought a How-to Tai Chi guide for beginners.  It's actually a lot harder than it looks (like most things are) but then again, I'm not good at coping people's movements.  Left and Right is also a challenging concept.  Well, not really but it can get confusing when they (the people on the DVD) say move left and look like they're moving right.

(Not Me)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Fire Spirit

Finally got around to drawing another Phoenix, I gave my last drawing to my brother and have wanted to draw another one for a while now.



Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Night Walk

Just got back from an hour and a half walk in 31 degree (F) weather and it is only once I get home that I start coughing and felt cold.  It was fun while it lasted. ^.^

I could see so many stars, usually it's too cloudy to see much of anything.

Panda Sketch

Sometime last year I was given this Panda doll and ended up drawing something along these lines.  Now I have lost that drawing and panda, so I recreated it here.  Hope you like!

Monday, January 14, 2013


Started a new series (for me, this show has been out since July of 2012) called Perception.  It's very interesting, keeps the mind active.

Perception brings up the question of reality.  If reality is just a figment of our imagination  why do we put so much sock in it?  Who's to say that what one person perceives isn't real if no one else sees it?  It makes you wonder.

Unknown Spirit

So, this was going to be a cat, then my thoughts got away from me and it ended up as some sort of bird thing.


I don't watch nearly enough anime as I'd like.  Recently I watched the first episode of the anime K.  I really liked the effects, colors, and style.  There is one thing I'm confused about, is it Yaoi or not?  I don't mind if it is, but sometimes it is so hard to tell with anime/manga.

New Bird Feeder

Yesterday I was given a new bird feeder and I saw this beautiful male Varied Thrush.  He was to shy to let me take a close up video, but you can just barley see him in the top right corner of this video...

Note: this picture isn't mine was found at

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Life gets boring when you can't find any new manga and I find myself extremely bored.  All I've been reading lately is Lessa, Tower of God, Noblesse, and Denpa Kyoshi. 
Elementary (TV show) has also been going downhill in terms of interest.  This Sherlock's disjointed speech just seems forced to me.  I have tons of other minor discrepancies as well but until the TV show Sherlock comes back on it will have to suffice.

On a completely random note, do you have a particular constellation that you can look up into the night sky and just find no matter what?  Though I'm interested in the stars the only constellation that I can always find is Orion.  I can't remember any other yet Orion is there whenever I look.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Chibi Wolf

Okay, I admit this isn't my most original drawing, nor my best.  But I kind of like it for some reason.


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Breathtaking Piano Piece

This piece is so beautiful, I just had to share it on my blog.  Rarely does one find something this lovely.

Wolf Song

Quote Findings

Bird Drawing

Not much to say on this drawing.  I've been wanting to draw a bird for a while and decided I liked this little one.  So, here it is...

From this picture I created....


After reading about it further I decided that I'm interested in Wicca.

If your interested please go to this site for information...

If not, then it's your loss.

On another note, here is a song by Madness...

I grew up listening to Madness and I still love it.  ^_^

Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Manga Update

Well, lately I haven't been finding many new manga that I like, just this one.  One is better than none though so I won't complain too much.
  • Onigami
Mostly I've been reading Tripeace (even if it seems meant for a male audience I do find it absolutely hilarious at parts).  I'm up to chapter 26th now and liking every minute of it.

Keyboard Art

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Found at


This song always puts me at ease after a long day...

It's so beautiful. ^_^

ID Crisis

I think it's pretty apparent that I'm hopeless.  A lost cause.  Also, I don't like wasting my time.

The facts are these, I lost my birth certificate coming back from Canada (school field trip years ago) and did not get a replacement.  Now I have lost my social security card.  It's probably stuck in a book somewhere which I most likely returned to the library.    My troubles don't end there either, I also don't have my ID card which I can't get without my social security card. *sigh*

Why must we clutter our lives with crap like this?  Why???

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quote Findings

"Really, Officer, I know that's a rocket launcher in my trunk, but I'm only holding it so that someone bad won't use it. Really. Honest"

- Harry Dresden (from the book Cold Days by Jim Butcher)

Movie Review - Prometheus

Watched Prometheus today.  Was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be.  Plus, my two favorite characters survived.  In so many movies and TV shows they don't.  It gets depressing after a while.

I'd give it a 8 out of 10 or maybe a 7.  I'm not really a fan of space/alien movies in general so I'm not sure how a die hard "aliens are out there" fan would like it.  That's not to say that I don't believe that aliens are out  there.  After all, the other option is to believe that we are alone in the universe.

One note about Prometheus, What's with telling David the he was made because we could make him?  What kind of answer was that?  I'd prefer to think that we make robots out of curiosity.  In order to find out what is a soul.  What makes us human?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sword Drawing

 Even though I  wrote earlier I've been meaning to start up drawing again I did not anticipate how hard it would be to get back into the habit.

This sword has been in my mind for a while, and for a reference I found the closest looking one online.  Wasn't much help, but they do look similar so here's the "original"...

And here's mine...

Be Bold

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Stromboli Recipe

Preparation Time...10-15 minutes

Cook Time...20 minutes


  • 1/2 pound pork sausage
  • 2 packages of loaf frozen bread dough (or pizza crust dough), thawed 
  • 1/4 Salami
  • 1/4 pound Sliced ham
  •  1/4 pound American cheese
  • 1 jar Spaghetti sausage
  • 1/4 pound Pepperoni 
  • 1 cup Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Salt and ground black pepper (for taste)
  • 2 Egg whites, lightly beaten
Please note that the amount of ingredients changes depending on how many servings you want, I went with 8 servings but this can easily be changed by adding or decreasing the amount.

  • Preheat oven to 425 degrees F
  • Roll out each piece of dough into an oval shape on a floured surface (I suggest using the counter instead of a cutting board, its easier.  The cutting board moves around too much)
  • Cook Sausage
  • Spread dough with sauce
  • Layer dough will sausage, salami, ham, cheese, and pepperoni.  
  • Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese, salt, and pepper
  • Wrap dough to cover all ingredients, pinching and sealing edges to prevent leakage
  • Brush top with egg white
  • Bake in preheated oven until dough is golden brown (should take about 20 minutes and I recommend cooking one at once)

I forgot to add sauce on mine, but it tasted good anyways. ^_^