Now while this isn't my usual cup of creme soda, Frida Gold is an amazing artist with many brilliant songs, too many to name on this post but I urge you gorgeously beautiful handsome readers to check out more of her songs whenever you have the time.
This is a blog about things I find interesting or fascinate me. I also post random things that happen in my life. It's mostly comprised of manga, movies, and tv shows. Enjoy! ^_~
Monday, December 30, 2013
Music - Frida Gold
As promised, here's another of my favorite German singers...
Now while this isn't my usual cup of creme soda, Frida Gold is an amazing artist with many brilliant songs, too many to name on this post but I urge you gorgeously beautiful handsome readers to check out more of her songs whenever you have the time.
Now while this isn't my usual cup of creme soda, Frida Gold is an amazing artist with many brilliant songs, too many to name on this post but I urge you gorgeously beautiful handsome readers to check out more of her songs whenever you have the time.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Quotes and Things
- My mind works like brilliant flash and it's gone.
- You cry, I cry. You laugh, I laugh. You jump off a cliff...I laugh again.
Wesley was my favorite character in the Buffy/Angel shows. That is until he went all stuffy and depressing.
Anyways, on yet another unrelated topic, I've decided to hunt for awesome German bands. Actually, I've already found a bunch, weeks ago to be exact. However, I thought I'd start posting about a "new" band every week or so.
Philipp Poisel ~
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
I have had the most minuscule attention span for the past couple of weeks. It's a wonder I got anything done. You do not want to know how long I've been working on my most recent sketch. Which is not to say that there haven't been ten or so other works half finished now laying forlorn somewhere in the abyss that is my room. It isn't that much of a mess really which makes the disappearances all the more mystifying. I think I'll blame the hobgoblin. There's bound to be one or two knocking about, it would certainly explain why Sweetheart spends half the day staring at the wall.
Anyways, I came across the most particular German phase today. "Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen" which literally translates to "where the fox and the hare say good night to one another" and actually means, "the middle of nowhere". I really love the ingenuity of German phrases. English phrases seem so bland in comparison.
Anyways, I came across the most particular German phase today. "Wo sich Fuchs und Hase gute Nacht sagen" which literally translates to "where the fox and the hare say good night to one another" and actually means, "the middle of nowhere". I really love the ingenuity of German phrases. English phrases seem so bland in comparison.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Thor The Dark World - Movie Review
Thor 2 is brilliant absolutely brilliant. The action scenes alone (of which there were many) make the movie. There's also a healthy dose of humor to balance out the more somber bits. Darcy's character in particular played a big role along with intern-what's-his-name in making the movie so light. On the flip-side, I wanted to cry for Loki. There were a few parts in which he almost died and I had minor panic attacks. Not fun I tell you, not fun at all. That loony, Erik, didn't help matters by being so joyful about it either. I am especially happy with the ending although I worry a little because I missed the extra bit after the credits. I really feel like I missed out on something of importance.
Now I've have a few comments/complaints to make, the first being Loki's happy and more than a little mischievous attitude once he's out of prison. Does anyone else notice the drastic change from the Avengers movie? You may argue that Loki wasn't the happiest camper in the first Thor movie but there were extenuating circumstances there (i.e. finding out he had been lied to his entire life). There's so many more discrepancies but I'll save them for a later date. The second thing I wanted to make note of is the complete lack of respect and disregard of life Asgardians have against any realm but their own. I largely suspect that the only reason they haven't killed Earth/Midgard is because they think of humans an children, idiotic children. Just how many worlds have the Asgardians destroyed? How many lives were lost?
Friday, November 8, 2013
Die Toten Hosen
As you know, I've decided to learn German. Already it has proven to be much easier to learn than Japanese or Gaelic and the written word's actually look much "saner" than any English word once you get the pronunciation down. How we ever devolved into this backwards country I don't know. America is just weird sometimes.
Anyways, I've come across this band in my search of fantastic music called Die Toten Hosen A.K.A. The Dead Pants. I love them! Here are a few samples....
Anyways, I've come across this band in my search of fantastic music called Die Toten Hosen A.K.A. The Dead Pants. I love them! Here are a few samples....
Friday, October 25, 2013
As it's almost Halloween I wanted to share this song, the German version of What's This?! Or Nanu?! For some obscure reason I find it hilarious and was reduced to a fit of giggles. Needless to say I kept pressing the repeat button.
While watching I thought, "he's like a child finding out about Christmas for the first time". Clearly that is exactly what's going one here. For those who are immortal never really grow up do they? Take Jack Frost, Peter Pan, and Doctor Who (10th) for example. Granted, life has its downs but that's not all there is, some days you find out about Christmas.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Foreign Languages - Which One To Learn?
As you may or may not know, I've wanted and even started to learn Scotts Gaelic. Unfortunately, there is so little information about it that I've come to the conclusion I would do better learning a different language. I don't like it, but I will have an easier time acquiring the materials to learn German instead. So, German it is.
To mark the occasion I've decided to share my (at this moment) favorite German song, Klavier by Rammstein. In case you wondered klavier (klav•ier) means piano.
To mark the occasion I've decided to share my (at this moment) favorite German song, Klavier by Rammstein. In case you wondered klavier (klav•ier) means piano.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Snickerdoodle/Suger Cookie Recipe
Now I wrote "slash" because honestly I don't know what the difference is between a Snickerdoodle and a sugar cookie is, nor do I care. But to clarify these cookies will taste like Snickerdoodles. I simply added/subtracted to a sugar cookie recipe to make them.
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Makes 40 cookies
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Makes 40 cookies
- 2 3/4 cup Flour
- 1 teaspoon Baking Soda
- 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
- 1 1/2 cups Sugar (white)
- Butter (softened)
- Cinnamon (unknown amount, if I had to guess I'd say around half a tablespoon but really I've no idea)
- 1 Egg
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract (optional)
- Preheat oven to 375°F
- Stir flour, baking soda, and baking powder in a small bowl; set aside
- Cream together butter and sugar. Now make sure the butter is completely softened, melted is a no-no, or just use margarine.
- Stir in egg (and vanilla)
- Gradually add flour and however much cinnamon you desire.
- Roll the dough to small balls and/or squash them flat and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle on a little bit of sugar on top for decoration.
- Cook for about 8 minutes. Note: cookies won't look done but they'll taste delicious given a chance to set, also know that these cookies harden quickly so store them proper. Enjoy!
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Wolverine - Movie Review
I hated this movie, it was just awful for so many reasons. So many. That said, the effects were good, there were plenty of great action scenes, and more than a few houmorus bits. My favorite being the part were those two old ladies forced him to take a bath and afterwards Logan said, "I feel violated". What I didn't like however was the storyline and the people (all save Wolverine). Right up until the very end I was considering pretending this movie never happened. Seriously, it was that bad. I can't say why my opinion changed because I don't know myself. But, whatever it was made the whole ordeal worth it. In a way I'm reminded of the movie The Devils Own, in certain respects. I'll leave it to you to figure out what those are.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Lucas King's Music
I've been contemplating music boxes recently and came across Lucas King's many feats on YouTube which are very beautiful, honestly I'm surprised he isn't more popular. Sadly, the majority of people do have a tendency to ignore what's right in front of them. Anyways, here are a couple of samples...
I love music boxes, they make me sad. Now you probably think I'm a few feathers short of a canary thinking that however, life is sweetest with a little sorrow. After all, you can't have one without the other to compare it to.
I love music boxes, they make me sad. Now you probably think I'm a few feathers short of a canary thinking that however, life is sweetest with a little sorrow. After all, you can't have one without the other to compare it to.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Sleepy Hollow Thoughts
I had high hopes for this show so you should know it means a lot when I say it was awesome! More than exceeding expectations I can hardly wait for the next episode.
Now as for the show itself, Crane reminds me of an interesting mix of Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes. In essence, pure entertainment. The soundtrack is also quite similar to Sherlock though whether that was on purpose or not is up for debate. The theme song was a stroke of genius reminding me of an old favorite movie. Lieutenant Mills wasn't too bad; I like her in general but she spent half the show choking up, near tears. I understand her partner was killed but she better have a little more self control on the next episode. Lastly, that demon hardly get any creepier, was worse than a weeping angel.
Now as for the show itself, Crane reminds me of an interesting mix of Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes. In essence, pure entertainment. The soundtrack is also quite similar to Sherlock though whether that was on purpose or not is up for debate. The theme song was a stroke of genius reminding me of an old favorite movie. Lieutenant Mills wasn't too bad; I like her in general but she spent half the show choking up, near tears. I understand her partner was killed but she better have a little more self control on the next episode. Lastly, that demon hardly get any creepier, was worse than a weeping angel.
headless horseman,
Sleepy Hollow,
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Is Loki Really So Evil?
I watched The Avengers again the other night and there are a few things I can't stop thinking about. First off, did you notice how dreadfully sick and weak Loki is? When Loki first comes through the portal he looks like he's going to keel over any second and almost does more than once. Why wasn't that explained? Secondly, when Natasha(?) said that Loki killed 80 people in two days? What the hell? Loki wasn't the one who collapsed the building, it was Fury! I can't help but feel that Loki is not as evil as everyone seems to think. Even Thor made that comment, "who controls the would be king?". If the glowstick of destiny affected the avengers that much in five minutes of being around it what could it have been doing to Loki? Plus, Loki has his own magic. Personally, I think he have up way to easily after the hulk smashed him around, it reminds me too much of Natasha's "cranial recalibration" of the Hawk. One more thing, when Thor complained that Loki was attacking them due to "imagined slights"; in what way were they imagined? Loki was lied to his whole life (thousands of years), betrayed when he became king, and from what I saw in the Thor movie no one liked him all that much. It was always Thor this and Thor that. They went so far as to muzzle him like a rabid dog at the end of the movie. Even the worst criminals have the right to defend themselves.
Anyways, it's something to think about at least.
Anyways, it's something to think about at least.
Black Widow,
Bruce Banner,
Captain America,
glowstick of destiny,
iron man,
Steve Rogers,
Tony Stark,
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Jiro Dreams of Sushi - Movie Review
I originally though that this movie would be about how Jiro became such an amazing chef but turns out that it's more about the daily effort and strive for perfection than anything else. Personally I think he goes a bit overboard and is unreasonably harsh. That said, his sushi making skills are unrivaled. Overall, I found the movie over the top for something so simple, it drifted off into slow motion sushi making one to many times. And, don't even get me started on the animal cruelty aspect (a fish was flayed alive! And that wasn't the least of it). Still, you do want to strive to be the best at whatever it is you do by the end.
Side-note: My strawberry seeds are growing!
Side-note: My strawberry seeds are growing!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Loki - Frost Giant
I found this lovely drawing of Loki on DeviantArt and though it doesn't look a thing like him he's no less striking. Beautiful really. Sadly I can't seem to copy and paste it on this post but here's a link...
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Shadows and Light
I've been pondering the universe lately and have come to the conclusion that it is indeed nothing yet everything.
Clearly that statement doesn't make any sense but think of it like this; what we see and hear are just are minds trying to make sense of the world. Even time is just a product of our imagination. So the world as we know it doesn't even exist therefore it's nothing, not really "here". But, on the flip-side "I think, therefore I am" so it's everything. It's all we have and more than a few things we don't.
On another note, I refound this song Bad Apple. I love the art and the lyrics are quite catchy. I think I'll spend some time this week learning them.
Here is a music box version of the same and though I can't say I like the beginning it picks up pretty quickly...
Clearly that statement doesn't make any sense but think of it like this; what we see and hear are just are minds trying to make sense of the world. Even time is just a product of our imagination. So the world as we know it doesn't even exist therefore it's nothing, not really "here". But, on the flip-side "I think, therefore I am" so it's everything. It's all we have and more than a few things we don't.
On another note, I refound this song Bad Apple. I love the art and the lyrics are quite catchy. I think I'll spend some time this week learning them.
Here is a music box version of the same and though I can't say I like the beginning it picks up pretty quickly...
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Been a while since my last post, can't say I'm happy about that but it's been a mentally trying week (weeks? Honestly I don't pay attention to days). The fact that my computer vehemently refuses to power up really isn't helping matters. On an unrelated note, I've had an epiphany regarding Henry. The facts are these; Henry loves to bite any and all people and though I would love to have some contact with him that doesn't involve biting the probability of that ever happening is slim to none. However, when it comes right down to it I truthfully couldn't care less. Which, is not to say that I don't care about him. I love him and will always no matter whatever "faults" he may possess. In fact, I rather like that little quirk of his. The joy on his face and in his actions once he's managed to fool a human to coming that tiny bit closer so he can savagely playfully bite into their tender flesh is amusing to see. Of course I'll keep trying to curb the habit though.
Side note: I finally managed to get my hands on a lavender plant so future wise there will be some posts about that.
Side note: I finally managed to get my hands on a lavender plant so future wise there will be some posts about that.
computer troubles,
foolish humans,
Sunday, August 11, 2013
I have been completely enthralled in the world of Fan Fiction, specifically those having to do with Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I imagine what I'm going through is similar to those who get wrapped up in video games which is something I personally have never much bothered with. I mean, yes, I play but to spend mindless hours staring at a screen is well, pointless. However, as I write these words I realize that I am doing exactly the same thing; not at this very moment mind you, but I will be in the next twenty minutes or so. After all, what else can one do after completing a favorite TV show left wondering about all the "what ifs".
If you are wondering why I have a sudden fascination with such fan fiction (the show has long since ended) it it because of Kaizokuko's fanfic Memory on deviantart. It was left uncompleted and I'm scrambling to make up for the loss. I loved it and it "ended" on a cliff hanger. Of all the nerve. Oh well, such is life.
fan fiction,
William the Bloody
Sunday, August 4, 2013
12th Doctor
While I'm glad that BBC decided to choose a Scottish actor I didn't expect them to choose Peter Capaldi, he's just so old. If they wanted an older actor why didn't they choose James Marsters? He would have been brilliant. Perhaps the fans of Torchwood would have upset since he played a character there but Peter Capaldi was actually in Doctor Who before not just a spin-off (I just found out that he was in Torchwood too). *major sigh*
I not going to judge him anymore than that though, after all I haven't even given him a chance. As long as he keeps his Scottish accent I will probably love it. If however he tries on a fake English one I will have lost faith in this show. There is only so much a person can take.
I not going to judge him anymore than that though, after all I haven't even given him a chance. As long as he keeps his Scottish accent I will probably love it. If however he tries on a fake English one I will have lost faith in this show. There is only so much a person can take.
12th Doctor,
Blue Box,
Doctor Who,
James Marsters,
Peter Capaldi,
Police Box,
Friday, August 2, 2013
The Devil's Own - Movie Reviw
The Devil's Own was so bright despite its somber atmosphere. I laughed and cried and hoped for a happy ending that I knew wouldn't happen. Even with all that it is truly one of my favorites.
What else can one say? I loved it; the music, the characters, the scenery, and perhaps the fake Irish accents most of all.
What else can one say? I loved it; the music, the characters, the scenery, and perhaps the fake Irish accents most of all.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
You Tread on My Dreams
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with the golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
- William Butler Yeats
HAD I the heavens' embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with the golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
- William Butler Yeats
I have been thinking about quotes lately and this one in particular has been forefront in my mind. I don't know for sure if that last line is suppose to be, "I have spread my dreams beneath your feet..." or, "I have spread my dreams under you feet..." but I like the way beneath sounds.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
James Marsters A.K.A. Spike
Rarely do you find out that one of your favorite actors can sing and sing well. I first found out when watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and after further investigation found out that James is quite the accomplished singer. Here are a couple samples of his work...
I think what I like most is he has so many different aspects, not one of his songs sounds similar yet each one is uniquely his.
I think what I like most is he has so many different aspects, not one of his songs sounds similar yet each one is uniquely his.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Another phonomenal song by The Piano Guys...
(Traditional Hindi Prayer)
Twamev mata ca pita, badhu, sakha, vidya, dravidam
Sarvo mum deva deva
[You are truly my mother and my father, my friend, my kin, my knowledge, and
my wealth.
You are my everything, my God of Gods]
[Happiness without worry]
Kuch saalon pehle ki baatein, Mujhko yaad aayi
[There was a time years ago]
Jisme mainey kuch galtiya ki thi
[When I first met adversity]
Aur phir jaane kyo, Dil ye rota tha
[My heart cried out in sorrow]
Kyonki nadaani karnaa aasaan tha
[When in my innocence I stumbled]
Mere dil ki hai dua, Khush raho sadaa
[In my heart I pray for happiness]
Na bhoolana… Khushnuma
[Always remember…happiness without worry]
Sun le zaraa… Dil ki dua
[Hear me … the prayer in my heart]
Sun le zaraa
[Hear my heart]
Interesting Note: You may have noticed that Steve's cello sounded a bit abnormal (not in a bad way) and I'd thought that The Piano Guys had done this on purpose with a computer but it turns out that Steve had broken his electric cello in the making of "Lord of the Rings" and when fixed it produced a "buzzing" sound. That there is one of the reasons they are so good at music. Rarely in art do you come across a mistake that doesn't somehow make a masterpiece out of your work if you let it.
(Traditional Hindi Prayer)
Twamev mata ca pita, badhu, sakha, vidya, dravidam
Sarvo mum deva deva
[You are truly my mother and my father, my friend, my kin, my knowledge, and
my wealth.
You are my everything, my God of Gods]
[Happiness without worry]
Kuch saalon pehle ki baatein, Mujhko yaad aayi
[There was a time years ago]
Jisme mainey kuch galtiya ki thi
[When I first met adversity]
Aur phir jaane kyo, Dil ye rota tha
[My heart cried out in sorrow]
Kyonki nadaani karnaa aasaan tha
[When in my innocence I stumbled]
Mere dil ki hai dua, Khush raho sadaa
[In my heart I pray for happiness]
Na bhoolana… Khushnuma
[Always remember…happiness without worry]
Sun le zaraa… Dil ki dua
[Hear me … the prayer in my heart]
Sun le zaraa
[Hear my heart]
Interesting Note: You may have noticed that Steve's cello sounded a bit abnormal (not in a bad way) and I'd thought that The Piano Guys had done this on purpose with a computer but it turns out that Steve had broken his electric cello in the making of "Lord of the Rings" and when fixed it produced a "buzzing" sound. That there is one of the reasons they are so good at music. Rarely in art do you come across a mistake that doesn't somehow make a masterpiece out of your work if you let it.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Lavender and Catnip
Turns out that catnip is a flea repellent and so is lavender. There are a few other herbs that also work but these two are my favorites. For one, most cats are more than willing to rub catnip all over themselves and well, who doesn't like lavender? It's safer for animals (not to mention the environment) and doesn't require me to spend money on items that usually don't work in the end anyways.
To check it out for yourself or to find other herbs take a look at these...
To check it out for yourself or to find other herbs take a look at these...
My Views on Satanism
In my continued search on Witchcraft I've come across Satanism many times. Out of curiosity I decided to see what all the fuss was about. Turns out Satanists are atheists and they are their own god/dess. Who knew? Not only that, but they don't even practice magick. To me Satanists are the type of people with whom the glass is always half full. I don't know if that's true or not but after reading their FAQ page on I got the feeling that they are a depressing people. What's life without a little magick? And, I don't just mean spells but to not believe in anything but yourself seems to me a very lonely way to live.
That said, it is theistic satanists that worship the devil. In the words of Geifodd ap Pwyll, "The point to Devil worship is not to skin cats or vandalize churches. Instead, it is about celebrating the spiritual scapegoats of history, who are wrongfully blamed for whatever the majority calls "evil." It's about rebelling against authoritarian creeds and dogmas, and fighting against persecution in all of its forms. Being a Devil worshiper is much much harder than just reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards or "blaspheming the Holy Spirit." This is because any good Devil worshiper will stick his or her neck out to defend even Christians from persecution when necessary. When I say "fighting against persecution in all of its forms," I mean persecution in ALL of its forms - no matter who or what it's being directed toward". To read more on theistic satanisim
All in all, I will always have a vague curiosity on the subject of theistic satanism but in the end I don't really worship anything. At least not in the way most people would consider worship so I highly doubt I'll ever convert. Though, the idea of there being no black and white just a world of grey already resonates through me.
That said, it is theistic satanists that worship the devil. In the words of Geifodd ap Pwyll, "The point to Devil worship is not to skin cats or vandalize churches. Instead, it is about celebrating the spiritual scapegoats of history, who are wrongfully blamed for whatever the majority calls "evil." It's about rebelling against authoritarian creeds and dogmas, and fighting against persecution in all of its forms. Being a Devil worshiper is much much harder than just reciting the Lord's Prayer backwards or "blaspheming the Holy Spirit." This is because any good Devil worshiper will stick his or her neck out to defend even Christians from persecution when necessary. When I say "fighting against persecution in all of its forms," I mean persecution in ALL of its forms - no matter who or what it's being directed toward". To read more on theistic satanisim
All in all, I will always have a vague curiosity on the subject of theistic satanism but in the end I don't really worship anything. At least not in the way most people would consider worship so I highly doubt I'll ever convert. Though, the idea of there being no black and white just a world of grey already resonates through me.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Sugar Art
So, I was researching how to make my own recycled paper when I came across this little delight. People are so talented.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thyme Lawns
Came across Thyme lawns and I'm wondering how I never did before now. They're beautiful, need little care and would be a good bee attractant.
Top Three Reasons for a Thyme Yard:
- Easy to maintain - drought tolerant - no need for fertilizer
- No mowing - doesn't grow in height
- Beautiful
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Until The End
Every couple of weeks I come across a song that I simply can't stop listening to (not that I'd want to). This just so happens to be the current phase...Enjoy!
If you liked that then here's the rest of the album...
Side Note: These songs are by Breaking Benjamin from their album Phobia
Breaking Benjamin,
Until the End
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Mini Terrarium
Made a terrarium yesterday. I think it's rather cute but for the next one I will have to find a jar that's more see-through.
Terrariums are pretty simple to make...
- Start out with a jar or mostly enclosed glass container
- Add a layer of rocks to the bottom
- Add a layer of dirt mixed with charcoal
- Add some small plants and/or moss
- Decorations are optional ( rocks, small figurines, pine cones, ect.)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Contemplating Song Lyrics
I was watching Angel earlier, the episode where he has his soul removed in order to find out about the beast (season four, Soulless). Angelus is singing, "If you go into the woods tonight you wont believe your eyes. If you go into the woods tonight you're in for a big surprise" and it occurred to me that a more fitting line for that song (at least when Angelus sings it) would be, "If you go into the woods tonight no one will here your cries" and/or possibly, "If you go into the woods tonight you won't come out alive".
Mexican Wolf Drawing
This took me three or four days, can't say for sure. I worked on it only a couple hours out of each day but it did take me longer than I expected.
Reference by HOTNStock on DeviantArt |
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The Lone Ranger - Movie Review
I can only describe The Lone Ranger as being manic-depressive. When you weren't laughing out loud you were just so depressed. Which is a refreshing change from what the majority of movies put you through nowadays. The combination kept you interested and entertained throughout. And, I can say with certainty that if you loved the classic version of the Lone Ranger TV series you won't be disappointed with the movie version. In fact, you might even like it more (I do). Though different from the old version it stays true.
The soundtrack was interesting to say the least. It started off with a violin type of music and ended up with the old theme song. I rather enjoyed it because when the music started playing and the first scene was some carnival scene with a Ferris Wheel I thought for sure that the movie would be completely different from the series and not altogether good, but I'm more than happy with the outcome.
I do have one question, how did Tonto get out of jail? However, I'm fine not knowing. There are plenty of ways it could have happened and life is best lived with a bit of mystery (I suppose the majority of people would wonder about that crow, in my opinion some things are best left unsaid).
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Movie Review - World War Z
I really hate movies like this. I'm not saying it wasn't good but I just get freaked out watching them. I think I would have been fine if not had that one girl lost her hand. As you well know once something like that happens I fixate on it, freak myself out and worry for hours afterward if not days. I still haven't gotten past the first couple episodes of The Walking Dead.
As for World War Z, there were a few parts that didn't make sense. Gerry (Brad Pitt) tied various things on his arms and later legs so that the Zombies couldn't bite him. Why didn't he put them all over his body and why not on his family? SPOILER ALERT! Garry figures out that the Zombies don't attack people who are sick but why not? They aren't affected by the diseases after being turned so why should it matter beforehand?
As for World War Z, there were a few parts that didn't make sense. Gerry (Brad Pitt) tied various things on his arms and later legs so that the Zombies couldn't bite him. Why didn't he put them all over his body and why not on his family? SPOILER ALERT! Garry figures out that the Zombies don't attack people who are sick but why not? They aren't affected by the diseases after being turned so why should it matter beforehand?
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Do No Harm Is Back!
Imaging my surprise and glee when I happened across a new episode of Do No Harm on TV last night. Then imaging my excitement when upon further search I discovered that Do No Harm is back on schedule!
For those of you who don't know what I'm going on about, Do No Harm is a modern day Jekyll and Hyde type and was canceled after two episodes. Well, it's back! My favorite show of all time is back! I know there are a lot of exclamation points in this post but I cannot convey just how much this show means to me without them. I have seen a ton of TV shows and movies and Do No Harm is by far the best yet.
Side Note: Ian will always be my favorite character in the show, Jason is too much a a goody two-shows for my taste. If they keep trying to kill him off as the aim of this show seems to be, I wont be happy. What has he done that warrants this kind of treatment? Okay, maybe a lot if I'm being honest. But, so far all the violence has been directed toward bad guys.
For those of you who don't know what I'm going on about, Do No Harm is a modern day Jekyll and Hyde type and was canceled after two episodes. Well, it's back! My favorite show of all time is back! I know there are a lot of exclamation points in this post but I cannot convey just how much this show means to me without them. I have seen a ton of TV shows and movies and Do No Harm is by far the best yet.
Side Note: Ian will always be my favorite character in the show, Jason is too much a a goody two-shows for my taste. If they keep trying to kill him off as the aim of this show seems to be, I wont be happy. What has he done that warrants this kind of treatment? Okay, maybe a lot if I'm being honest. But, so far all the violence has been directed toward bad guys.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Recipie
Preparation Time...15 minutes
Cook Time...40 minutes
Cook Time...40 minutes
- 3 cups Rhubarb (sliced)
- 3 cups Strawberries (sliced)
- 1 1/2 cups Sugar
- 1 fresh squeezed Lemon
- 1/4 cup Tapioca
- Pastry for 9 inch Pie Crust
- 2 tablespoons Butter (chopped into small pieces)
- Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
- Mix in rhubarb, strawberries, sugar, lemon, and tapioca into a bowl, stirring occasionally
- Let stand for 15 minutes
- Pour filling into pie crust
- Scatter butter over top of filling
- Add top crust
- Bake for 50 minutes or until golden brown.
Extra Options: For something a little different you can try a teaspoon orange zest instead of lemon and/or a crumb topping. The crumb topping will need a cup of flour, a cup of sugar and a 1/2 cup of butter. Just mix the ingredients together and scatter over the top of the pie. And, in my opinion strawberry rhubarb pie is best served alongside vanilla ice cream.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Bought some charcoal today, I've always liked the look of it in drawings. And here is my great work of art...
If you cant tell, it is a little owl sitting on a scarf floating in midair.
On another note, I've decided to start jogging. I always though to myself "once I get a dog I'll be more active" but that was just an excuse. If I want to be more active I've got to start now. Not that doing Tai Chi everyday, going on five mile walks, and starting up the X-box fitness training whatever it's called isn't active. The problem lies with the fact that I've got no stamina. I can walk for miles without tiring, but can barely run for fifteen minutes strait.
Be warned, I'll soon be posting a delicious strawberry rhubarb pie recipe!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Branded - Movie Review
This was an odd movie to say the least, but worth watching. I especially enjoyed how the actors spoke both Russian and English. Even if at times it was hard to understand I could still get the general meaning. And, Branded defiantly gives you a unique perspective, not just in how you view fast food either.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Now You See Me - Movie Review
In my humble opinion, Now You See Me is the best movie of the year (so far anyway). There was never a dull moment; every scene packed with entertainment. I had worried that the explanations for the magic tricks would ruin the movie but they just made me more impressed.
Lately I'm sure you've noticed movies have been lacking an air of mystery. I can always guess what's going to happen next but not this time. This time, I was on the edge of my seat with curiosity.
And, I have to say; my favorite scene was "Freeze!" at the end of act two. So funny.
Lately I'm sure you've noticed movies have been lacking an air of mystery. I can always guess what's going to happen next but not this time. This time, I was on the edge of my seat with curiosity.
And, I have to say; my favorite scene was "Freeze!" at the end of act two. So funny.
Now You See Me,
Friday, June 21, 2013
Castiel Puppy - Finished Drawing
angel of the lord,
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Castiel Puppy Drawing
Started to draw a puppy version of Castiel from Supernatural. I'm planning to use pastels but at the moment I'm just working on making it resemble Cas. It looks a little off to me. However, it's still in the beginning stages so wish me luck!
drawing sketch,
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Nora died. I've been doing nothing but crying and listening to Cloud Atlas since six this morning. I thought she was going to make it. You know, I really hate it when people say "I'm sorry" when some one close to you dies. Because, how does that help? At the moment the only thing helping is knowing that the finches had another baby and seem to be taking care of it this time. That little bit of hope is the only thing that made me smile today, brief as it was.
Monday, June 17, 2013
My Birthday
So, yesterday was my birthday and despite it also being father's day it wasn't that bad. We made root beer floats and ate dinner at The Three Lion's Pub which is now my favorite restaurant. The food was delicious and the decor was quite amusing.
One notable thing was the card I received from my bro, the last line said, "Wishing you peace and comfort at this sad time". I took it as a joke but he had just assumed it said "Happy Birthday". Which is a warning for you all, read the whole card before you give it to someone!
One notable thing was the card I received from my bro, the last line said, "Wishing you peace and comfort at this sad time". I took it as a joke but he had just assumed it said "Happy Birthday". Which is a warning for you all, read the whole card before you give it to someone!
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Shepherd's Pie from The Three Lion's Pub |
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Flowers from my Dad |
Friday, June 14, 2013
Jack the Giant Slayer - Movie Review
I wouldn't call this movie disappointing but only because I had low expectations to begin with. Perhaps the reason was that story never truly interested me. Some parts were good, amusing and better than I expected. On the other hand I yawned one too many times for Jack the Giant Slayer to ever be called one of my favorites. Also, none of the actors stuck with me. Usually, I'll be interested in at least one and maybe look him up later to see if he made any other good movies. That didn't happen here. To be fair, the few parts that were good were really good. I was hooked on every line spoken. It's a shame the director couldn't keep me captivated throughout.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Creating a Bonsai Tree & Nora Update
Went to Uwajimaya today and stumbled across this little item...
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Bonsai Starter Kit |
As simple as it may look the instructions are much more demanding than I had anticipated. First it asks that I soak the seeds for 24 hours (not an issue) but then it wants me to refrigerate them for a few days and soak them again, put them on a paper towel in a zip lock bag and after a few months buy some special 100% bonsai soil. I mean really? Really?!
Anyways, here's a new video of Nora!
You'll notice that Nora jumps off my hand in the very beginning and falls to the floor. No harm done! Nora is starting to "fly" and hasn't quite mastered it. Still, he tries. There's also the balance issues. After all, Nora is a baby and babies fall over.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Coat of Arms
I've been thinking about family crests for a while now. Technically I've got two from my mom and dad, or do people just go with their last name? Either way neither one suits me. So, I've decided to make my own. The question is what to put on it. Every detail on a crest has a story behind it, the trick is narrowing it down and choosing the most important parts of who I am. Which is tricky because I'm still unsure of that answer. It doesn't help that I'm having artists block either.
So far I've got this...
So far I've got this...
Now, I was thinking winged wolves on the sides and Celtic knots bordering but when I started drawing I ended up wanting a tree of life on top. For some reason I can't quite picture the wolves and I still have no idea what to put on the shield.
I'm thinking about making the wolves smaller because adding wings will take up a lot of space and the shield will be out-shined.
Still have no idea what the motto should be or if I even want one. Also, considering whether I want my family name on it. I've seen crests with and without. In the end I'm probably going to add them both.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Nora Update
Nora has started eating some millet seeds and occasionally does these small flying jumps so I've moved him into a temporary cage. I say temporary because this is Henry's travel cage and until I make a flight cage it will have to do. Since Nora is still very young I've left the heat lamp close to the cage but farther from his "nest" than it was before. As I write this Sweetheart is watching over the finch. I don't know what I'd do without her. Lucy would have had him for a snack day one. However, if you are taking care of a baby bird I do not recommend having a cat guardian unless you are absolutely positive it will not eat the chick. Nora is a lucky bird to have such a companion.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Star Trek Into Darkness - Movie Review
Very dramatic. A bit over the top actually (don't take that the wrong way, I loved every second of it). All in all, I would say the previous Star Trek was better, though. That said, Benedict Cumberbatch is a phenomenal actor. For I while there I thought his character Khan might not be so bad. Alas, I was wrong. Which in my opinion was a fail on the director's part. I'm not trying to sound stuck up here, but I would have loved to see Khan working with the Enterprise. Instead we are left with the basic good vs evil scenario. And, how likely is it really that a superhuman genius would loose in the end if he hadn't planed it out that way? Why did he bother saving Kirk if he was just going to kill him five minutes later? Don't try to tell me it was because he needed him because at that point Khan could have pulled it off without Kirk's help.
One detail I noticed was that on the Enterprise there are multiple humanoid species, but at the academy (or wherever it is that all those speeches were given) the only non-human I saw was Spock. Where did they all go?
Very dramatic. A bit over the top actually (don't take that the wrong way, I loved every second of it). All in all, I would say the previous Star Trek was better, though. That said, Benedict Cumberbatch is a phenomenal actor. For I while there I thought his character Khan might not be so bad. Alas, I was wrong. Which in my opinion was a fail on the director's part. I'm not trying to sound stuck up here, but I would have loved to see Khan working with the Enterprise. Instead we are left with the basic good vs evil scenario. And, how likely is it really that a superhuman genius would loose in the end if he hadn't planed it out that way? Why did he bother saving Kirk if he was just going to kill him five minutes later? Don't try to tell me it was because he needed him because at that point Khan could have pulled it off without Kirk's help.
One detail I noticed was that on the Enterprise there are multiple humanoid species, but at the academy (or wherever it is that all those speeches were given) the only non-human I saw was Spock. Where did they all go?
Benedict Cumberbatch,
Into Darkness,
Monday, June 3, 2013
Dean's Purgatory Blade
Wanted to draw Dean's knife from purgatory since I can't seem to find a good one out there.
It's not quite finished yet but I've got the base lines down. For some reason I couldn't get a good picture, here it doesn't look proportionate. I really should just start scanning them in to the computer.
It's not quite finished yet but I've got the base lines down. For some reason I couldn't get a good picture, here it doesn't look proportionate. I really should just start scanning them in to the computer.
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Reference |
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Nora Update
Nora is growing so fast. In this video he is chirping for food even though he's full, as you can see by his crop (bulge on side of neck).
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Green Lantern - Movie Reiew
I don't know what all the bad publicity has been about, Green Lantern wasn't too shabby. In fact, I found it quite amusing. A pick-me-up type of film. I only reason I can think of is that people were in love with the comics and found the movie paled in comparison. I've never been one for comics though. Personally, whatever I read/see first is always my favorite. I think it's because I get a certain feel for the characters and the idea of them in my mind is shattered when I met their counterparts.
One more thing, Green Lantern is not weak against the color yellow! That's like saying fire is weak against water because it's blue (bad analogy I know, but I can't think of a better one at the moment).
What I didn't get was how calmly Hal reacted to learning about aliens. Most people, I expect, would freak out. But, he took it in stride. Almost like it was an everyday occurrence. Honestly though, I think I would react the same. I mean come on, thinking we are the only ones in the universe is just arrogant.
One more thing, Green Lantern is not weak against the color yellow! That's like saying fire is weak against water because it's blue (bad analogy I know, but I can't think of a better one at the moment).
What I didn't get was how calmly Hal reacted to learning about aliens. Most people, I expect, would freak out. But, he took it in stride. Almost like it was an everyday occurrence. Honestly though, I think I would react the same. I mean come on, thinking we are the only ones in the universe is just arrogant.
Green Lantern,
Hal Jordan,
Ryan Reynolds,
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Nora Update
I realized a few days ago that my blog is turning in to one of those about someones new baby/kids. I never understood the point of those. I mean why would I care about your kids? I don't know them. Still, even if Nora is not human I still consider him mine and absolutely adorable. I can't wrap my head around the fact that someone would find Nora uninteresting. I assume it is the same for other parents.
Anyways, Nora is about an inch long now and no longer needs to be feed consistently throughout the night. ^_^
I am still going to do two or three night feedings until his feathers grow in but I can finally sleep now!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Little Finch Update
Nora is growing so fast. He/she is still very small though. This afternoon Nora started peeping for food. So cute!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Song For Castiel
I believe this is the perfect song for Castiel...
How to Draw a Fox in Pastels
I would like you to keep in mind that I figured this out on my own and therefore I'm not an expert and this certainly isn't the only way of doing things.
You will need:
You will need:
- Pencil
- Eraser (optional)
- Pastels (I think mine are oil but I've heard good things about chalk pastels as well, it's your choice)
- Damp Towel (I use my fingers to blend so it's just easier to clean up with)
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Start by adding a dark brown, never black, for the darkest part of the ears. You can smear the colors a bit but don't go crazy. |
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I used a lighter red brown here, you always want to work in the direction the actual fur goes. This way you'll get a more natural look. |
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Continue working down, always using darker colors first and lighter on top. |
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Once you have the basic colors down, you can go back for a touch up to make the fur appear more distinct. Often times using pastels it blends together too much and you don't want that. |
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Same as before, you want to use dark colors first, but blend less in the eyes. What I mean by this is to add all your colors first before you smear just enough so that it looks natural. |
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The white fur is really quite simple, add some grey lines for depth and smear white on top. |
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Your end result should look something like this. |
If you have any questions, please leave a comment below!
Monday, May 20, 2013
My finches abandoned a day old chick yesterday. Obviously, I've elected to take care of him/her. Since it's so small I have to feed it every two hours day and night for the next couple of weeks (after that it's only every four hours). I've decided to call it Nora after one of my favorite manga characters.
Nora has this thing were he/she lays on its back, wings (and I use that term loosely) stretched out and does nothing. I often wonder what it's thinking in these moments.
Nora has this thing were he/she lays on its back, wings (and I use that term loosely) stretched out and does nothing. I often wonder what it's thinking in these moments.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Recently, I have been sucked back into Supernatural and after watching several funny clips of Castiel on YouTube I came across this awesome fake trailer. If only this was the real thing...
Here is the song from the trailer (one of them anyways)...
Here is the song from the trailer (one of them anyways)...
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Henry - Attack Conure
Lately, Henry has been more and more of a pill, screaming all day long and he's shown no improvement on the hand-taming front. Just a few hours ago he "violently" bit a family member. Of course, I blame them. If you know a parrot bites you don't go up and stick your fingers in the cage at every opportunity. It probably didn't help that I laughed but how could I not? For some twisted reason I find it immensely humorous when someone else is in pain for no other reason than stupidity.
Still, I really need to find a training method that works. Clearly, what I'm doing now is not improving the situation. Although, sometimes I think it does in a very small way.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Movie Review - Cloud Atlas
It's rather inspiring when you come across a movie like Cloud Atlas. I suppose some would argue that it can be hard to follow but I don't see how the director could have made it any clearer.
Violent, unpredictable, profound and still manages to make you smile. Who could ask for more?
Violent, unpredictable, profound and still manages to make you smile. Who could ask for more?
Monday, May 13, 2013
You know how on Netflix they have the "because you watched..." thing? Well, I was going down the list and came across "Dark Movies for Hopeless Romantics". What the hell is that suppose to mean? I haven't even watched many romantic movies!
Oh, the indignity...
Hemlock Grove
Hemlock Grove is undeniably addictive and best of all there is a gorgeous werewolf. Although I must say the fact that he eats his own skin after he changes is more than a little gross. Also, after watching just two episodes I would expect to know what the show about. So far all I've got is that the town is full of unique individuals and something is going to happen soon.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Movie Review - Iron Man 3
Overall, Iron Man 3 was a pretty good move and there were tons of funny bits. That said, it was a little long and yet again I seemed to be siting right next to the speakers. Honestly though, they showed a bit too much in the trailers. There were no surprises like in Oblivion. I did find Stark's PTSD to be fairly interesting though. I hadn't expected it to be as bad as it was. I was also impressed with his ability to make weapons out of common household items.
In the end of the movie Tony had the shrapnel taken out of his chest. But doesn't that glowing thing also power the suit? I suppose it would be fine if he made a suit with reactor included but what about when he's only wearing part of it?
In the end of the movie Tony had the shrapnel taken out of his chest. But doesn't that glowing thing also power the suit? I suppose it would be fine if he made a suit with reactor included but what about when he's only wearing part of it?
Baby Finch Update
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Baby Finch |

Sorry so long on the update! This morning the baby finch made it's first flight out of the nest. Well, it was more of a collection of hops. >_< She/he is so cute.
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